Friday, August 1, 2014

Troubled minds


Nowadays I don't know what to feel anymore.
I'm feeling all troubled everyday.
I locked up myself in the room, blast out music and just sit down blankly.

Times I ask what does friends mean?
I look at it differently from most of the people I think.

Times I ask why does Jealousy kills?
Oh, it's killing me every time, but I know I have to get it over with.

Times I ask what does grades mean?
Without grades it's just nothing in school but does not mean you can't survive in outside world, in rare case.

Times I ask why I'm so unlucky?
Looking at a good way, it's a test that god has set for me, to experience the hard stuff first.

It's often hard to deal with those negative thoughts, it's been a hard time for me.
Thank god I've my good parents with me.

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