Friday, August 15, 2014

Poly Life


I've always been wanting to do a summary of my poly life, just like I did for my secondary.

Everyone has this fantasy about poly, especially the 'no uniform part'. I remember myself looking forward to this actually.

I remember, my grades ain't that good. I somehow gotten the Engineering with Business course, which of course that morning when I see the results I was little upset. But why did I even include this in my choices when I wasn't really looking forward to it? Well, times you follow friends, decisions tend to go wrong etc. Funny how I decided to just appeal out and into SP's Diploma in Landscape Architecture (DLA). Sounds fairly enough, I've always wanted to go into architecture course but my grades couldn't put me in and thinking that DLA sounded similar so I just went for it. Of course there were uncertainty about whether this was what I really wanted, till now I still don't get why.

Happy news came as my appeal was a successful one.
As much as I detest orientation camp, I just went for it. I was completely alone and yes I was scared, afterall, a new environment and all. I think I made really good friends at first because it was still one of my closest to now.

When the real thing started, it was just some exercise to get you some foundation and all those, I wasn't really into those anyway. The workload was tough, though I though poly was kinda slack, but actually not for this course where you need constant effort to pull you through. I do expect certain degree of drawing, and to be honest, I wasn't one who can draw, I believe I couldn't draw and that's why I had a hard time doing all those simple exercise like drawing lines and making models. At one glance, my model was the most ugliest one, not that I didn't put effort into it, it's just come out so. And yes, I do feel negative about myself, you just can't help yourself to stop comparing to others.

By the time second semester started, it was a group work and yes, I was kinda a rider that I depend on my groupmates on the work and I really didn't have any brain juice. To the extent that I did real bad for my first project to the extent that I came all emotional and broke down in front of the whole class during the critique session. Not that those lecture were being that fierce, but still it wasn't a good feeling. Of course friends are there to encourage you and all those. Moving on to the second project, I started to sit with my friends and I think that seriously helped me improved on my work, whether it's the skill or the design. I'm pretty sure they were the ones who pulled me up when I was in hell, and yes I received good feedback.

When the whole year1 ended, I got a pretty decent GPA of at least a 3.9


Proceeding to year 2, rumors were there that it was hard and that the way that they give grades were harsh. Of course, I was still with my friends, and I think certain confidence of mine made me fell again with all those criticism that I couldn't accept which results in the second break down. I just simply don't understand and I realized the lecturer was actually being more kind to be whenever I consult her and also make sure that I understand. Again, with the help of my friends I managed to pull through the second semester of year2 with really FLYING COLORS.

Funny how it's always the last crit that really made me felt worth it.


Going to internship was a new experience.
Though I don't really learn a lot and I certainly do not wish to go back more internship in the future. However, I still think that they helped me to hone my photoshop skills to the extent that I was amazed at myself.

From internship to school was really an advantage because after seeing how the real life worked, it increases the standard of everything in the class.

I myself wasn't really happy with the new group I was with during my FYP.
First of all, the leader can't lead, I really meant the truth.
I was there and made things worked, even if in the earlier analysis consultation I was there to explain further, if we were to rely on the leader, it was really a gone case. I do believe that I was actually the real leader instead. Yes, I do enjoy those times, when you know your efforts were paid off during every presentation.

When the whole class joined again, it was another chaotic time where you can feel the tension floating in between. By then, I realized there's a really huge standard difference between me and some of my friends which pretty much lead to a sad story. It felt great that I was chosen to be part of the graduation show book, and my boards are placed together with some other top tiered people.

I'm amazed with myself at how much I've worked to achieve such standards, to a nobody in year 1 to some of the 'most improved' person. And I've also grew to be closer to those that I don't really talk to.

My final presentation was a huge success though there were mistakes and all.
It was a really shiok feeling that I can't describe when the lecturers approved your work in front of the class. Bet it was my first time, or probably the last time.

Graduation show also tedious but fun and all that, but during the FYP it really took a toll on most of us that we basically survived with only 3-5 hours of sleep per day and working overnight every day towards the submission. Those times were tired but it was worth it and fun I say.


Graduation was big day for all of us.
Especially meaningful to me.
I've never been in top of the class. Amazingly I did in for my poly life, yes I really am proud of myself and all. However when I look at the top people of the class.... One wasn't really deserve it, I should say.
Clearly there were more people who deserve much more. But....


I'm thankful that I've grown through this journey with my class and lecturers.
Without them, I wouldn't be where I am.
And I owe all my achievements to my fellow friends and lecturers, thank you for being there with me through hard and fun times, I won't forget those.

Somehow, I miss those times, especially the year3.

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