Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting into University


We all want to get into University, at least obtain a degree.

I'm lucky as today, having offered to a local University, though I'm not very excited about what is coming.

I hate being a freshmen.
Secondary/poly/university, you do silly stuff during your freshmen year and needless to say, the orientation camp. Yes, it helps you to make friends and all, but to people who hate camps like me, we just don't have a say in it.

It's not like I don't like teamwork and such, but often the camp games and activities are just....... I've nothing to say. Right, let's just skip the camp part.

Getting to know your new campus is a big challenge.
The map may seem super small but in reality it's just too huge to figure out where your faculty is.

Application procedures are as confusing as it hasn't already is.
Even if they do send a booklet naming all the things you've to do inside, it just doesn't simply answer the questions you have in mind so the next step is to call up the relevant numbers and get some beneficial answers. But when they pick it up, they heard your questions yet they ask you to refer to the booklet. Right, is this someone from the front desk/hotline should do? Obviously it's when people don't understand the booklet that's why they call, and it ain't helping.

Everything is online even for local students.
I do not prefer online procedures, I prefer mailing those important forms to all applicants instead. What if you miss out one form and there you go, missing documents for your application?
Really, does it hurt for them to send us forms?
And we have those half hearted front desk/hotline.

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