Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Competition etc.


I felt that there's a need for me to record this somewhere, so that even after 10 years I'll still be able to know how I felt exactly, then. Yes, it is somewhat important to me and I don't think it will ever happen again.

I sound like I won a million dollars or something. But actually, no.
It may not be a big deal for those out there, but for me, yes.

Look, almost 4 months ago, I took part in this competition, Mount Faber Design Ideas Competition, of course, organized by the Mount Faber. And of course, I joined with my fellow course-friends. So the overall of this competition is to somewhat, explore ideas that can help to increase connectivity of Mount Faber and also to attract people to use this park and facilities. Also, how us, teenagers envision this park will be like in future.

So yesterday was this appreciation lunch organized by them to thank people who took part in this competition and also showcasing the short listed entries at their new restaurants. When they were putting up the boards, there's like 4 boards at the front of a big & long glass panel while the others were at the back of it. Therefore, people will think that those boards at the front are the top entries for this competition and there goes my hope of winning some cash.

While I was there, we were waiting and waiting for people to come so that they can officially start the lunch buffet but before that they gave some sort of speech etc, and I was like can't I have my lunch soon... And all of the sudden, they say they will announce the top 3 entries before they start lunch. I was there, of course there isn't hope cause my group's board wasn't in front displaying to everyone. So yeah, faster announce and get over it.

So they started with the top 2entries being overseas or couldn't attend the event.
Oh, naturally the first was from NUS.
Second was someone ..... I don't know. Neither is the winner from SP.
But third, it's SP!

'OH, confirm is other group, since one of the SP's entry was at the front'.

Announcer: The third entry goes to connecting spaces, connecting people....
(yeah, must be that SP group)

Announcer: connecting spaces, connecting people, A mountain of Happiness....
(aiya no chance, should be the other group)

Announcer: A mountain of Happiness, Wonders of Treasure!
(wtf, isn't that my group?)

Yeah, that was basically my reaction. Cause at first I'm already not hoping for anything but just for the lunch to start. Took certificates, hand shakes and all those.
Then there's this person who organized the competition came to sit beside me and kind of asking me lots of questions, sorry I'm not very sociable and it's quite hard to answer questions though.

After eating, went straight down to HabourFront via cable car and get $1k cash freshly out from my bank and divided to everyone. So naturally, each gets $200.

I felt like I'm in some sort of luck.
Who knows somebody who's scored 17 for O's, will end up being top student in poly's course and 3rd at a competition. Right people will say, it's a group work, so I should not take all the credits, but hey, I did most of them.

Cool huh.


Then again, winning is a happy thing but at the same time I got so annoyed with people.
Those people who didn't do much, should be thankful for the free $200 and a one year membership card. If it wasn't for me and another friend, you guys won't be even getting money or even being shortlisted. I've never seen you guys even appreciate our efforts and they you go free $200 without doing anything. Well, you guys even have the face to get the money.

Next, hey, do you guys even know how a cheque works? It can only be bank into the account of the person's name that's on the cheque. What? Everyone fighting to say that they have money in their banks and can get money instantly? You, especially you, don't even want to return my the letter and cheque remains that's written under my name. How dumb can this get? oh gosh.

Last, so what if we won and actually you don't get much after splitting. Everyone wants chicken rice from us now when we only agreed to treat certain people. Don't you guys have any face when you say, 'treat me chicken rice'?


I seriously think that I have hate issues. The moment I start to dislike a person, I really find whatever that person does, annoying and stupid. -.-


Yes, school started. Last semester of the year, of the whole poly year.
FYP and graduation coming.
Seems like, I ain't a kid anymore.

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