Saturday, August 17, 2013

School, FTT, Holidays


Hello to anyone who's reading this, it's been a long time.

After the haze saga, school started I got so busy with so many projects to cope with.
Come to think of it, it's been 8 weeks since I last updated.
Of course, too many things happened in these 8 weeks that I couldn't possibly mention everything.

First few weeks of school was rather insane with so many site visits planned for all modules, so technically my legs weren't resting and also getting to know more people (architecture students), we just so happen to share 2 out of 3 modules with them. In conclusion, it was such a bad experience.

Own core modules were also quite insane that, first part of it my group kind of like went to the wrong track and we didn't do well. But, everybody should know the reason why we ain't doing well and somehow we managed to make things better for the second part of the work. Yes, we were rushing here and there or rather, kept stressing ourselves with different things/possibilities in our mind. It was kind of funny of people's mind can be so similar. But one of the thing that I didn't expected was to have some conflict going on, that was..... quite insane I would say. And speaking bout group work, obviously not everyone will be there to participate actively. In the end, it was just me and another two friend tanking the whole thing, of course the rest helped but...

Electives were much more insane, it just prove that landscape architects and architects couldn't work together well, really. There's just too much things that happened that I don't even know what to say. Then again, it also proved the term of 'people showing their true colors over time'. Just my luck.


I went to take my FTT this early afternoon yet I failed.
To my surprise, the questions were kind of different than those in the question book.
I tried my best to answer those manual car questions though...
The most annoying thing was that, I  failed by 1 mark.
Of all scores, just one mark away, how can I not feel irritated and angry with myself?
So, the first thing that I reacted was to get out of the room quickly and called my instructor.
I got no idea whether my instructor it was me who called, he said he's going to help me book another test in 10-15 days in another school and I somehow expected him to call me back, but he didn't, it kind of add up my uneasiness that.... oh well, to the fact that I felt like giving up driving, like I'm not suitable for it. But thank god, my next practical lesson was on Monday, and I'm so going to ask my instructor about it, hopefully he's really going to help me book another test, otherwise..... all my plans were ruined and it's seriously going to clash with my school work when semester 2 starts. Oh well....


Holidays are here, it's been what I'm waiting for. Yes, I'm going to take a good break before another round of school. Somehow, I got myself into a lot of school events that I somehow ended up regretting joining.


I don't know what I'm thinking but I still went ahead with it.
It felt like I had to share every ups and down with you.
And I'm truly thankful that you're there, every time.

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