Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lame update


I felt the urgency to update.
Yes previously mentioned, I'm having holidays now but I just realized that I've 8 weeks of holidays which makes that 2months, and somehow I've got no idea what to do yet. But looking at the calender, I've got like multiple events coming up in fact it's related to school and I just suddenly lost my interest.
I'm not travelling around the globe and neither will I be stepping a foot out of Singapore.
But recently, there's something that I want to do but I just can't find the courage to, I'm not ready for criticism yet.

Recently, I've been reading lots of books but not those education ones.
I'm reading more about my 'relatives', magic, other world, etc.
Turn out that Vampire Academy was really good to read though it was so boring in the middle.
So happy that they've a sequel to it, but different characters though.
But I stopped reading after a few chapters, not in the mood to read, I would say.


Ever felt that, you want to accomplish a lot of things that are not practical?
Ever felt that, you are all alone in this world that nobody hears you cry?

More updates to come, I promise.
But it's like I'm making promise nobody.

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