Sunday, June 9, 2013

USS & PC Show(IT Fair)


This week has been quite a tiring one, cause` I've been everywhere, literally going out every day without sufficient rest. 

Went to school to do my competition work which I.... totally have no more interest in it besides the competition prize ($3000). Was there till the evening & I've no idea what I'm doing anyway, was sitting there quite clueless and so, communication between the lecturers were also.... I wanted to leave early but, we were already, short of a member, if I went off it's going to be... It's like nobody going to settle things anyway, or perhaps I don't really know what's going on. 

I just don't have any interest in it. 
Calling it a commitment? But I don't have it with me. Maybe cause`, I just finished internship and that I'm not fully rested from the work yet and straight away I got to do competition. 

It's a USS day! It's been so long since it opened and that I didn't had a chance to visit until Saturday. Before this, I was sitting in front of my computer, researching a lot of things bout` the rides, the reviews, the experience, etc. It's like, people go there in a relaxed mind but I've to be mentally prepared, and 'don't think too much'. Took a bus there with Hwee in the afternoon and met Tokky, Faith & Lili there @Vivo City for lunch. But apparently, I didn't ate much cause I don't want to puke after the rides. Walking there was....... oh well, too far, thank god it's sheltered. So.... buy tickets, take particulars/pictures (where's my lanyard!), then went in and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

First ride, spaghetti chase at the Elmo area(?). Kind of caught me of guard when the thing went a little bit upwards and it's spraying water. Walk & walk to the Monster Rock, didn't had a good seat, the fireworks were 'BOOM', & the music was good. But half of the time I didn't know what they're talking bout`, anyway I saw my ancestor there. In case you don't know who's my ancestor, let me introduce you to Dracula. He sang a Chinese song and let the audience went insane and had a good ending with... Bon Jovi's remix (It's my life & You Give Love a Bad Name). I don't know if there's one more or not.... well and all other songs like Lady Gaga's Born this way, Party Rock Anthem & Wonder Girls' Nobody (er......) and a lot more.

Walked towards 'Madagascar', took their version of carousel. Actually it was my first time on a carousel, maybe I had while I was a baby but I don't have any recollection. I was riding a..... don't know what, and it was a really no kick ride to the extent that I asked Lili whether there's a need for the seat belt. Next, to Enchanted Airways, the no-kick roller-coaster. I was a little.... nervous before the ride, especially when it goes up slowly, and then 'ZOOM' round and round. It was even worse than Genting's indoor roller coaster. 

Visited the Egypt thing, I really wanted to back out from the Mummy ride, my mind was on insane mode. Faith couldn't enter cause she's too small for it, so in the end only three of us went in. It was already dark while walking towards the... ride or whatever. I was already there, holding on to Hwee's arm and totally don't feel like walking in any further. Until I reached the stairs, I really don't have the courage to challenge it and that I want to back out right away. Somehow, they asked me to just try/challenge and I must thank god that it wasn't a first row & I was sitting in the middle, so it was kind of okay.... I remembered myself saying 'NOOOOOO' when it just started, I didn't open my eyes at all, I only managed to catch a few glimpse of the place (before the turn/back motion), I received warning from them, and I wasn't that afraid of that back motion, but the first slope was....... again under the warnings from them, I literally hugged the rail (?) and my face facing downwards that I don't dare to look up/open my eyes. I was even closing my eyes in the dark, just as when I thought it was over, actually there's  part 2 and oh gosh............. ZOOOOOOOOM. It was actually alright, not as bad as I imagined. I thought I'll walk out tearing up but no. 

Was watching the parade, resting before we move on. 
They played the Human while I took Faith to the accelerator. 
We wanted to play Canopy Flyer but, the waiting time was too long, and we wanted to play the water too but again waiting time was too long. So we went to Shrek! The 4d was awesome if I compare it to the Genting's. Especially when the donkeys(?) were galloping, the motion was the best and lots of occasionally spraying of water. Exited and saw something cool, a ..... mini flyer? (shit what do you call that?) So, went to board the mini flyer, and it shakes like hell. Then they were playing some Shrek kind of thing?

Day is getting darker & the last game we had was the transformer. It totally caught me off guard and that I was literally screaming due to the fast motion of the seat itself rather than the graphics. Again, I only caught a few glimpse of it. I shall open my eyes big big the next time. 

Caught fireworks before we left, carl junior for dinner @Vivo City and home!

It's a ..... IT FAIR DAY. 
Again, it's my first time being there, so hard to believe.
Went to Pioneer to take MRT to Expo. 
Han's @changi point for lunch, I was just having some stupid toast.
Then............................. entered the Expo with lots of people. Totally want to faint just by seeing so many people walking around, etc. Walked around in between booths and all that.......... Initially wanted to get my camera but I realized, IT WAS A REALLY STUPID CAMERA. Thank god I just didn't buy blindly in Courts or anything. Lili & Yuk bought the Samsung galaxy tab & I wanted to buy it too, since it's cheap and.... welll.......................................... 

In the end I bought a 500gb $69 hard disk from western digital. 
Train to pasir ris and then back to Lot1 & home!

Shit, site analysis tomorrow and I totally don't feel like going. 

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