Thursday, June 6, 2013

Baking & Back from Chalet


Went on a very sudden cupcake making session @ Lili's house. I see lots of sugar and butter being poured inside, and felt so sinful. I didn't know cupcake was so simple to make, obviously it's more fun but tired without the machinery. So, taking turns to smash the butter with the sugar and mixed it with eggs, flour, milk and vanilla essence. Mixing the coloring with the mixture is definitely fun, but even more fun when you put the colors layer by layer on the cupcake paper. Honestly, the first batch didn't come out too well, cause` it was all burnt since we just left it in the oven and didn't 'watch over it', well we were having lunch. 

This is the second patch/or third I suppose. (Credits to ......)

I left halfway cause` I needed to meet with my friend at the MRT then going to chalet together. Yes, I went to chalet on a Tuesday evening and back home on Wednesday morning. I found something real funny that, people staying in the east doesn't know how to walk to the Chalet, but me, staying in the west knows how to. This is the power of google map and of course you gotta know how to read map but my friends were like.... But I must admit that the Chalet was hard to find, by the way, it's Loyang Aloha, somewhere near downtown east but further inside. Before we even entered the chalet itself, we could already hear the voices of our classmates there standing by the BBQ pit, preparing food & etc. 

But, I was a bit shocked at the chalet itself cause` I didn't expect it to be so small and I didn't expect it to be... well not within my expectation to the point that I don't want to stay after paying so much. Was there, finding a proper place to stone while my friends were there busy getting food. The funny thing was that, one friend took food and three of us were standing there, sharing an otah, satay stick and hotdogs. With things suddenly cropped up, 4 of us went out with my lecturer's car to get vegetarian food. So my friend was driving, I was sitting behind telling them the direction to downtown east, with my gps, telling them the direction. The power of technology.

Literally walked the whole place looking for vegetarian food, and somehow went to the wrong place, and etc, even went to the wrong place to carpark. Almost took us an hours just to get there and went back to the chalet, (sincerely knows the convenience of a car). Stood around again, feeling hungry and all that and then.. gathered at the 'living room' to play King Cup or etc. 

Alright, just in case, I'm going to say the rules & do a bit of intro to this game.

These were all the ingredients for the game. Fruit punch, lots of snacks, chicken, prawn, almond tofu, satay sauce and peanuts. 

So, the game goes like this..
In groups of individual (we were in groups of 2/3), decide on an ingredient(as shown in the picture above) and put into a mug (for every group/individual). Some body has to shuffle the poker cards, and open each at a time, if you get a 'KING', good luck, you got to drink 1/4 of it and subsequently when the second and third 'KING' appears, but if you got the last 'KING', you got to eat all the chips, prawns, all the residue. 

My group actually got passed two rounds without getting any 'KING', but on the third round (last round), we eventually got it, and I was the one who draw the card. But since I got the first 'KING', actually it was quite lucky cause we only had to drink 1/4 of the water, but my friend offered to drink it, wondering if she got any stomach aches. Right after this, we went to night cycling, leaving three people in the chalet itself. Actually I wouldn't need to go, cause` I don't have the energy/capability to ride a double bike. If you haven't been on a double bike, you won't know the pain of it cause` there's only one person riding, and it's kind of impossible for two girls to ride it (same thing goes to my girl-girl pair friends), so in the end I managed to swap bike with two guys, that the two guys used the double one while I got the single bike, major thanks to them. 

So we left the chalet at around 11pm, cycled across Pasir Ris Park, to the main road and it isn't a joke to ride on roads to the extent that I got yelled at several times for going too fast and over-taking and of course I feel apologetic. The thing that I hated the most were the up-slopes, there were plenty of them to the extent I got to get down and push my bike. I could had stood up and ride the bike but I wasn't comfortable with the one that I was using. 

Somehow we stopped at a part of the road, deciding whether to use short-cut or long-cut. The short cut was dark, scary, eerie to the point that we couldn't see the other end of the road but the long cut was too long. So at that point of time, I fell down, literally got body slammed by my own bike and I actually hurt my face that my face was numb, wondering if it's a sign telling us not to go. In the end, we still took the short-cut. The road was too narrow that it can only fit one bike at a time, so went into the darkness on by one, with some of us, switching on lights from phone/bike. As if the darkness wasn't scary enough, one side of the road was filled with wild, tall grass, like a forest and the other side, there's this kerb and railing of the canal, if you fell into the kerb, most likely it's possible for you to fall into the canal from the bike. So we really don't have a choice but to go slow, and kept talking to overcome those fears and since nobody knows whether there's a dead end, it made us more fearful. We were in this dark alley for around 10minutes, there's some part where it's really total darkness and you got to cycle close and be careful not to bump into the bike in front, (so much of testing our cycling skills). Eventually, we bump into each other when there's a sudden 'stop command' from the back, obviously no one fell off the bike, and somehow there's water on the road and even mud, totally want to faint.

Eventually, we got out of this alley, and the feeling was.... 'it was the most exciting cycling experience I've ever had'. Like everyone, literally. (In case, if you're wondering where is this alley, it's around Pasir ris Farmway 2/3, near Pasir Ris Drive 12)

So we see, straight road in front of us! And YAY! We got to chiong as far as we like since there's no cars. So, everyone was chionging on the road, and the breeze was awesome. Then there's this part where you can go straight or turn road into another road, but we wanted to go straight, somehow I turned to the right and see the other road. Yes, it's another road, with street lights, no cars, straight road but somehow I saw a person, seems to be pushing a cart or something. I didn't dare to look again, so I just go straight with a faster speed. I didn't tell my friends either, since we just got out of the alley, I figured out it wasn't good to say, yet. Then went ahead and ahead, till we reached the punggol eco-link, check point for us to visit toilet, drink water, etc.

Then we crossed this bridge & managed to take a picture with the help of another cyclist.

By that time, I was already sweating & smelly, but still had to cycle to punggol park (I suppose) with a lot of up and down slopes, continuously that I really felt like dying. While reaching the broadwalk, I saw a bike lying on floor and my friend sitting on the floor too (I was rather behind, cause I've no energy left), I didn't see the whole process but somehow my friend fell over and hurt her leg, thank god she wasn't bleeding like a car crash. Somehow managed to chill at the broadwalk for around 30minutes or so before heading back to chalet. While heading back, all of the sudden everyone's cycling so fast that it became like a traffic congestion during peak hours. Obviously, cycling on the same route where we came from & yes we got to enter that stupid dark alley again. 

But this time round.... those who have lights on their phones,  turned the lights on, and we went in the alley in alternate. (without light>with light>without light>with light). Of course, I'm still feeling a little scary, but thank god my closer friends were in front and behind me, and I can see the end clearly before entering. So I kept thinking, 'the end's getting closer, my friends are in front/behind me, cannot be afraid otherwise I'll make others scared also'. Still, it's dark.... creepy, but this time I'm better at this with the lights, and got a'know-how' on cycling the alley. And YAY, we were out!

On the way back was as tiring too, there's a long slope, again got down and push my bike. But also, there's a long slope going downwards, so YAY! Paddle fast and then zoooooom down the slope. I think the journey is like at least 20km. I was dead, when I got back. Then the others were there playing drinking games, while some of us were inside the room playing, teaching mahjong and I was really tired that I felt asleep without me knowing and assuming I was so tired, I must had snored.... shit.

Went to the bike rental on Wednesday morning, but waited  for an  hour cause` it isn't opened yet. Finally, it's opened and yay, got to go home, saw a cab and wanted to flag it, so I walked on the grass to get closer to the road. Who knows there's this hole in the grass and of course I fell into the hole (not a very big/deep one though), and that's it I'm 100% sure I sprained my ankle and this person was there laughing were hugging the stupid pole, go and die please. If I didn't flag it you don't get the chance to go home early too. 

Home at around 11, showered, and all that, grabbed my breakfast and KO. 

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