Friday, May 31, 2013

Officially, end of internship.


It's a long time before I began to update again.
Ironically, my previous post was still bout internship but today it's the last day of internship. Don't ask me how I managed to survive the 3 months. It was tough, rocky during the start and all the way to the end, perhaps it's because I didn't work before so I whined a lot, complain a lot and being frustrated/angry a lot. Only looking forward to the weekends and long weekends, public holidays or any other company events, etc. But I must say, the people there are good, cause I'm still a kid (my colleagues call the interns kids), so it's still easy to forgive if I make mistakes.

Goodbye internship, hello competition.

So, took part in this competition that I don't want to at all. But it's said to be a reunion project with my friends, so I went ahead and register. So one of the days, went up to Mount Faber via CableCar (free), I'm afraid of heights so I was real nervous, then walk around...... And now, have to finish this competition stuff before my class starts school, and before the other class starts internship.

June was kind of a ... lots of things happening.
First, no more internship.
Second, preparing for competition.
Third, waiting for Basic theory Test.
Fourth, start of school.

Honestly, I have no confidence in the basic theory test. I think I'm going to fail it cause there's just a lot of unfamiliar things to remember. It looked like I don't have much time to prepare either, maybe just the night before. Got to double check my test date & time.

Going to start school on 24June, which I wonder.... how much will I miss internship. According to my friends, school was hell. They went through 2days without sleep, and for a sleepyhead like me, how is this possible?

This classmate of mine... has been two-facing me, and I knew she's going to be a trouble for me. It's not like you've a sweet voice plus sucking up to people will get you through this. Apparently you did, and well I would say you wouldn't even deserve these, it's because of bias-ness, don't you get it?
I may be, jealous of you but at least I know that I know where I stand.
But you don't need to lie in order to skip certain things and seriously, out of all days, which are days that you're really ill? Does the other half meant more that you kept taking days off, they may not know but I know everything and I can only just sit there and watch.
You act differently in front of them and in front of us, they just don't know what are the poor things you did and it's their first time too, so they don't really know.
And if you think, back-stabbing or talking shit bout me is fun and people won't tell me, you're so wrong.
Telling others that you've got a notebook at the end as a gift and saying me and the other friend didn't get anything from them?
Showing off the gift you've, and having that evil smile.
Just who do you think you are?
And if you don't wanna pay up, then don't share. Anyway, I'm still going to get back my money, and if you don't want to return, I will haunt you everyday.
Never fail, to make me angry at the last few days.
But I think you purposely do this.
And for god's sake, get yourself a stupid pencil.
Bitch, really.

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