Saturday, April 13, 2013


After another 4 weeks, I'm here to continue blogging.
ITP is too crazy for me and I go home everyday, feeling so tired. I was so tired that, I somehow lost control on my emotions and all that. At the same time, it somehow made my hard disk went crazy and showing signs of failure, etc.

Looking back, I've no idea how I managed to survive 5 weeks of ITP and I want to thank SP that, we only have to work for 3 months (12 weeks) instead of 6months, like other schools. It also make me realize that I miss school more than ever, I guess that's how your perception of school changes. So throughout these weeks, there's been ups and downs and because I am an intern, things don't always benefit me. Sometimes, I just do research work, with lots of reading that just bores me and make me so sleepy. But sometimes, I was so busy with computing that I've no time to eat, or it's something that I've never done before. Come to think of it, I've never do such things before in school than in office, it's so much more on computer instead of manual. But in school, I spent two years doing manual work even after having a choice to do computer. I guess when I go back to school after the intern ends, I'll forget how to draw, etc.

I guess this is sort of like a small reflection of 5 weeks.
And I'm going back school next friday for a sharing session bout` intern with the rest of class, good point, I get to see my classmates and skip a day of work. Bad thing, I've to find time to do a presentation and I don't feel like doing next Thursday night, neither do I want to do it over the weekend. Then again, I need another reflection short essay, maybe I should come back to this post and check what I written, making it easier for me.


In a day or more, I'm turning 19.
I've passed the age of being a young teenager, slowly I'm entering adulthood.
Is this how people felt when they're in transition from the 10s to the 20s?
This few days, my father kept stressing that I'm turning 20 (in chinese), and I seriously feel....
Now I know why women dislike telling people their age,etc.
Funny when, I haven't reach 20, I'm already disliking it.

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