Saturday, March 16, 2013

First week of ITP.


So I started with my first week of ITP and it was some information overload plus troubles going on. First day, we were late cause` we were waiting for others, but others were later, there's just 4 of us. Some stupid random chat in the morning then to the HR office, just sit there and wait for supervisor to pick us up. In the end, my supervisor came first, like after 30 minutes, and left my 'sister' alone, waiting for another hour for her supervisor to pick her up and do 'Central Natural Reserve'*.

Headed to the office and to my horror, the office looked like some run-down place, I mean the interior. Although it's design department but the interior was really horrible that I don't have the 'feel' of working and worse than a studio. Met everyone here and there in the office and being shy and scared for the first day, went to lunch with awkward colleagues and I was so 'unwell' that I couldn't even finish half of my lunch. From the second day onwards, we went to have lunch alone, without the colleagues and started doing work here and there. It's like the moment we finish with one colleague's, immediately there's another and going to discussion on last minute, where they just throw the ideas/presentation to the interns but thank god, (shall elaborate later).

I remember on my second day of work, I was lost in Botanic Gardens because I couldn't figure out the way to office. Then went to site visit on Wednesday morning which was a very long bus ride and supervisor was late & I don't like this indian supervisor where they just dump me at the site and expect me to take the measurements alone while she just slack at some shady place. Now, I couldn't even remember what happened on Thursday.

Continuing with 'shall elaborate later', that morning (friday/yesterday), there's a last minute morning discussion bout` a new project, a very big project that I don't even understand or went before, where basically the place stretches from the North to South. After some brief, split into groups for discussion, then we had to present..... all the while during discussion I was so quiet because I'm scared to say wrong thing, etc where later the other group threw the presentation to another intern(friend), my group wanted to do the same thing. But the thing was, my group has 2 intern (me and another friend), neither of us want to present so in the end, there's this guy, horticulturist, quite good-looking and has this very nice accent helped us present. THANK GOD. But still, have to present the idea/sketch in second discussion so I just briefly say through the thing and because, I think I'm a little flustered? The other colleagues also helped out, etc.

Concluding my first week of intern: I just can't wait for this whole internship to end.
Currently I have two task to complete, but when I asked my Mum yesterday that should I do them, she said no because it's weekends and I'm not paid for weekend, why do when I still get the same pay. I guess this is the only good thing about internship because anything you can't finish, just push it to next day.


How can you know the computer is spoiled when I just fixed it.
Cannot open the game, then uninstall, redownload. It's the basic thing.
I didn't even spoil your computer and you're there saying.
Mum: Brother's computer not spoiled.
Me: Computer cannot start just now.
Mum: Brother's computer not spoiled.

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