Friday, March 1, 2013

Weird people everywhere.


As whole Singapore should know, A's results released earlier today.
Although I'm not a JC student neither did I take the test, but I'm also anxious bout` it.
Turned out that... well.


I didn't March came, and I forgot there's only 28 in February. No wonder the time seems so fast to me.
10/11 days to my internship @Nparks (Botanic Gardens).
I always have this problem of counting days, I don't know how people count, by dates or...
If you include today, then there's one more number, if you did not then no.
I think it's time that I really go and do my marketing profile*, if you remember, all of my works got retained (which got me so happy), and apparently they are in school. Lecturer did not even reply me whether I can retrieve it then return it again, seen and don't reply, don't you hate it too? I mean... I really hate that these SNS* have this function of telling you whether the other person seen it or not. When it's seen and there's no reply, obviously you'll be wondering why that person ignored you and that makes it so awkward and vengeance. Back to the topic, so I'm going to remake one, probably next week, I shall see it as a chance to make it better and more presentable rather than a 'time wasting' task.

*Marketing profile: a profile bout` yourself (hobbies, school, etc) and some works that you've done. 
*SNS: Social Networking Sites (facebook, twitter, etc).

Actually this marketing profile is really a waste of time, when I have to edit in photoshop which isn't easy as it seems/sound/look. Then I have to buy some fancy/nice papers from Artfriend that cost a lot and using these papers into a file rather than buying one from popular. Because they want to see creativity inside. Couldn't show how mine looked like though, but... shall take a picture after I'm done with the 'remake'. Apparently all my marketing profile, project profile*, Journals all looked the same, like it's a set, so people knows it's mine and that's what they called IDENTITY. But I still don't have the feel/mood to do it, drag and drag, which means I've to visit bugis next week, printing those a4 color papers also cost a bomb.

*Project profile: A profile (images/pages) of that particular project via sketches/pictures, etc.

Till now, I haven't really google where's my workplace, etc.
I mean, I still have a week to do that.
But my Dad kept telling me to check so that I won't be late on the first day.
You know, parents are always nagging here & there. .


Back to life.
Set alarm for today so that I could wake up early and get my Mc Donald breakfast, I think I was so silly because I ended up leaving an hour after the alarm. Somehow... I just purchased breakfast deluxe supreme @$8.95 and my heart was bleeding. Weird thing was that, I could finish the whole thing and after finishing, I still feel hungry. So I ended up eating curry puff and nuggets and some milk for the afternoon and I went to nap because I was so tired. I could remember that I was literally burning on my bed, cause` the weather's too hot. Later had to do some planning and etc.

The main reason that I bought the breakfast deluxe supreme was because...
WAIT. Let me explain what's with the 'supreme'.
With supreme meant that there's additional two thin strips of bacon inside and it was awfully salty.
Without meant that there's the normal set without the bacon.
So cause` I was suppose to go Korean BBQ tonight/evening with polymates in the end it was cancelled so I decided to reward myself with better food. The reason it was cancelled cause`, this friend A is going Genting tonight, and she told me Korean BBQ is on Friday(today). Nice planning, with me getting angry all the time, so cause` I couldn't show my anger, I literally sent 'see ya all in September'. I wanted to add this 'as you wish' but... I'm too hum for it. If you're going on Genting tonight then why do you say Friday? 

Just then, I saw photos of USS and Fish & Co from friend C.
If you don't fail your maths, the cost of USS and Fish & Co was a few times of the Korean BBQ. Or maybe, let's not include the USS. Just a meal in Fish & Co, also depends on what you eat, easily you need to pay $20 per person cause` of the service charges, gst and still it's more expensive than the Korean BBQ. So I see, money/price is not the issue here, friend C. So, what's wrong with you?
Now I know, you don't want to go out with us, neither do I want to see you.
Because I've enough of you losing your anger in school twice and I'm the first fucking victim that you vent your anger on. Just because I'm the 'youngest' (what the hell?) in the clique doesn't mean you can 'bully' me cause the others are older than you. I'm not responsible to be your anger bin/victim. Well, you made me hate you, it's not like I wanted to. 

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