Thursday, February 28, 2013

Updating daily


Right after a day I changed my URL, I just changed the template a few moments ago.
The reason(s) I have it yellow?
Somehow it's becoming my favourite color and a big good reason was cause` of FT.ISLAND, since their band color is yellow, hence yellow!
I remember myself, liking all sorts of different colors since young. As a girl, I used to like pink (when I was really young), and later baby blue/sky blue/dark blue>black>hot pink(color not available on the blogger color chart)/weird dark pink (that explains those bags that I used during secondary times)>red>YELLOW!
So I guess 'favourite colors' always change right?
Then again, I feel that this yellow is weird....... But I don't like those very strong yellow, I like something paler because pale colors go well with white and I really wanted a white one instead of a black background, yep whatever.

I kind of like the title font, above^. Not the post title but the blog title-twinkling domaine.


So what I've been doing lately..
I just caught Jack the Giant Slayer @Lot1, went in a little late and missed out a lot of movie trailers.
I like movie trailers just before the actual movie.
For those who haven't catch it yet, skip this part.
It was a 2hour long movie, where after 1h30mins of the movie, I thought it's ending but the evil Giants kept attacking. Actually I thought 2hours was over until I checked my phone, then I'm like 'what? still got more?'. Yes, the movie was draggy, I think it was.
But it was somewhat touching, cause` I dislike seeing good people dying. 'Why must good people die?'
Seeing Jack getting scolded>magical beans grew>princess gone>climbed up to save her>lots of giants>people die>people betray>good people in crisis>some lovey dovey scenes> sacrificing own's to save kingdom>sad parting>evil Giants strike again>somewhat war>leads in danger>male lead as a hero>evil Giants go away>leads married with kids>stupid crown being upgraded.
I would give a 4/5, because I like the male lead and the 'general'.

Been craving for Mc Donald's breakfast-Hotcakes with sausage.
I don't even get the 'sausage' part when it's not even a sausage, but more of a patty but not that thick.
SHIT. I shall get it tomorrow morning if there isn't some stupid korean BBQ going on.
Then again, they said we're going tomorrow and they ain't telling me the time.
But, I don't have the feel already.

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