Saturday, March 2, 2013

Seems like I'm the only one reading this.


As the title says.
Blog are so dead as ever. Where years ago, everyone has a bunch of external links to your friends' URL.
Right now, no. It's not the trend anymore.


One thing that caught my attention recently was... Overpopulated Singapore.
Actually this news was out, quite a couple of weeks ago I think?
I see these '6.9million people in Singapore' everywhere I go, facebook, twitter, newspaper, television.
Of course as a young Singaporean, I may not know any politics but, twenty years down the road, it's going to affect me and many others.

I think I shouldn't be talking bout` these but, it's not offensive.

What I think bout` 6.9 million Singaporeans by 2030.
How many do we have now? I googled and it said slightly over 5million.
Where am I going to live?
The whole Singapore should know, this island is just a small dot, it's amazing that it's housing 5 million people, where's the other million going to stay? I don't want to see units getting smaller and smaller and when I board the train, I can at least differentiate 5 languages. I don't want to go Orchard Road with the whole street flooded with people, how am I suppose to walk.

Not enough babies>Need more foreign talent>All sorts of languages>'so called' fighting over jobs/schools>cost of living too high>Singapore's growing too fast.

I think it's scary to say that, there's over 1 million people in Singapore that ain't citizens.
In the end, 6.9 is just a estimated figure.


Now that I'm entering adulthood, I kind of miss those days when I just need to study and don't need to worry any other things that's happening. Somehow being a student is something that everybody will miss? Then again I feel that, excluding those kindergarten, 6 years or primary school, 4 years of secondary school, 2/3 years of JC/Poly, 2-5 years of University, I've received at least 12 years of education and I feel that... This isn't going to help me.

In this society, the grades doesn't matter anymore. Grades doesn't mean that you're capable of 'things' it just represents ... you know it can be useless at times.

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