Friday, March 8, 2013

Some emotional day.


Early in the morning, I woke up and watched a very touching video.
While I was still in my bed.
It's called the Changing Batteries, I forgotten by who.
Somehow, I watched it thrice.
Once in the morning, once in afternoon and once just moments ago.
I even showed it to my mum just now but I couldn't help but tear up because it reminded me of my grandma. Everyone has their grandma right, she's the closest I have at least she used to, and maybe now too but no, she's gone.

Have you ever heard of a tale?
When you see a moth, it's actually somebody.
So, last few weeks, a month flew into my room and gave me a shock until I remember this tale. Slowly, I walked outside and told my parents, so they are kind of chasing it away, I felt bad. Know what, my other actually said 'mama .... (something). Obviously, the 'mama' meant my grandma, she used to call my grandma that.


I cannot understand, one internship and there's so many things to print.
Desktop usage, official things and all those just irritate the hell out of me.

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