Thursday, March 7, 2013

First/Third World.


I don't know if anyone out there keep having this error.
Your modem just keep blinking like it's seducing you and 'no internet access' is a pain. Happened to me, a few minutes ago that I kept switching on, off the modem until I was so irritated that I left it 'off' for at least 20minutes. Magically, the next time I 'on' again, it stopped blinking. Till today, I've no idea what caused this error, neither do I want to research bout` it. I always think that it's the headquarters problem.

In first world country, where internet is so easily available, we people have grown attached to being online and so on. That it's so common nowadays that every household as a modem running 24/7. It's a pain of being a first world country when technology starts to break down, like the internet. Some time ago, telecommunication company M1 had problems with their network that all M1 customers in the west were highly affected. Imagine, if you ain't in a first world country, then these problems won't really affect you.

Have you ever thought of life in a third world country? 
Where hunger is a problem, shortage of food/water, hygiene, housing and etc. Sometimes, I just can't help but to sympathize them but then again the things that we can do, are we willing to do. For me, I usually don't even look/research or rather know anything, not being cruel but the more you know, the more negatively you'll feel. You may be able to help one, but not all.

Why there's even a classification of world?
Ain't people suppose to be equal?


Had my McDonald breakfast and.....
Considering to get the Pizza Hut deal thing tomorrow.

I don't think I'm being lucky, actually I'm quite unlucky.

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