Monday, March 4, 2013

It's Monday Blues.


Monday is here again, and really it's annoying and why is there such thing called Monday Blues? Or why do people really feel unhappy and so on? It just sounds too weird to me, but I'm having one of those blues today too.

It was a horrible night for me because I couldn't fall asleep.
I went to bed before midnight and I think I tossed left right for at least 2hours but I remember myself waking up at 3am I think it was just shortly after I fell asleep. Then I first woke up @ 8 plus in the morning which means I didn't slept for long and I wasn't tired even until now.

Had breakfast before heading to town, early in the morning, well I mean.. I left house @ 1030am.
There looking for jeans, I know I'm stupid right but uniqlo selling @S$20, H&M @S$24.90 and Forever21 @S$29.90 (was it?). I like some of the colors but they were all those candy colors and I can't possibly wear those to intern. While other colors were like.... beige but not that kind of nice beige or just I don't dare to wear (what the hell). Meanwhile looking at clothing, got a text from my friend that I needed to submit a digital file of my marketing profile by today (by 5pm I would say) so that my lecturer could send to the company. So I was rushing... only glancing at things and even multi-tasking & I thought I was bout` to die from panic.

Eventually got myself KOI from over-panicking before walking that stupid long distance to Sunshine Plaza (near NAFA, very far from bugis street). Standing there, waiting and waiting. When it was my turn, I dragged the file to the desktop, opened and waited. But the auntie went to help the girl who came later than me, and I was............ standing there like stone after she's done with her thank god she remembered to help me. Then, I recognized the china guy that was there printing for my project boards in Hougang, the one that I kind of had a quarrel with ( I mentioned this in previous posts).

Rushed 'up' to Bras Basah's Artfriend to get my nice nice papers.
I was there, checking and turning around (yea) to make sure I got the right paper. Because, there's like the same kind of texture but in slightly different colors. Worse, when I can't remember which color I got.

Reached home before 4pm, quickly turn on my laptop to send my lecturer things and somehow my house phone rang. Normally, no people will call at this timing except for my brother's teachers but it wasn't his this time, it was mine. At first I couldn't recognize my lectuer (grandma's) voice, until I remember the 'submission', it was so funny that I sent her thrice and she didn't receive it, weird. Then she suggested me to lessen a few pages, over the phone and it was so weird. In the end, she got the mail like 5 mins after I sent it and it was hotmail's fault that they took a long time to process and upload and send my file.


It's 1040pm, I don't feel like going to bed.
Maybe I'll end up tossing here and there again.
Perhaps I shall watch some anime.

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