Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Just like any other normal day with some shocking news.
Right now, I just feel like sleeping, as if like I don't have enough sleep. But honestly, I really don't.
So regarding the shocking news, was that.. It's about school. Because internship is near and 'boss' want to see our marketing profile*, my friend told me. In fact, the liaison officer=grandma lecturer told my friend. Worse, that friend... you just can't trust his words bout` what to bring on the first day, because he gave different instructions. Then, according to my friend I've to remake a new one because my things were retained by lecturers, and are currently in school. I'm like WHAT THE FUCK, why remake one when it's time wasting, effort wasting. Like, just making a new one for the sake of internship, and they ain't gonna mark my new one anyway. So I asked another lecturer, in hoping that I can visit school and take a few of my things back, but apparently that lecturer... her reply speed = turtle.
So right now, I'm damn sian by it.

Anyway, changed the url again.
Well, nothing to do. The previous one was so silly.
But this is silly too.
Domaine means realm, forgotten what language it's in, probably French/Italian/Spanish.

Really feel like sleeping.
Yep, bye.

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