Sunday, February 24, 2013


Suddenly having the urge to blog. Don't know why?
Yes, it's vacation right now but then again... I'm still stuck in all those things in school and gatherings held by schoolmates. Here's a big reason why I can't be absent, because internship is starting on March 11, it's going to be a long time before the whole class can have lesson together (around September I think, the last semester). Right now, everyday's going to be so busy all the way till my Internship starts.

Speaking of Internship, have I mentioned that I'll be at Nparks learning?
Don't think so.
Initially I was told to choose between private, government and contractor and there's this government interview (Nparks) coming real soon, so my priority was the interview>private>government>contractor. I wanted interview because of my friend, and have no determination or whatsoever to pass the interview because I wanted to go private film. Who knows I actually passed the interview which I strongly believe due to my awesome GPA (yea, very awesome, not awesome when I'm the top scorer during those who went interview, it's true!).  At that time, I was well a bit disappointed cause I didn't really want to go, more ever I got into this design department better than others who got into weird departments. Which means, I don't think I'll be able to learn a lot during the intern, somehow, am not looking forward to it.

To be honest, I got real jealous when my friend went to the company that I wanted to even without the need of an interview. Yes, jealous, but what to do.


Actually, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't.

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