Thursday, December 27, 2012

I'm back.


More than a month since I last updated & right now it's the holidays. I was busy with school during well school term and right now I'm slacking. So I guess, I lost the 'feeling' to update blog? I cannot think of who is still using blogger these days, perhaps most of them are like me, left it there and rot. Seems like the 'blogging trend' is over, maybe.

Ironically, my last post was about school and still there's 1 month left to holidays but the next post was during holidays (what am I saying?). So I'm suppose to talk bout` school or holidays?

During those last few weeks of school, it was hectic.
Halfway there, I thought I would not be able to make through but now I'm still alive.
It was the first time that, school work becomes so important to me that I'm always doing work.
What happened was.... Individual work was so tough that everyone's being sick all day.
We already told those stupid lecturers that we would not be able to submit on time, and yet they just don't want to extend the dateline. Worse, they extended by three days at the last week when my group of friends have already finished most of them so we were kind of in time to submit our work. Just because those playful people are still at early stages, then they extend the stupid dateline, you say, is it fair to us?
The moment I heard this so not good news, I was so angry with them. Because by extending the dateline, we could afford to go one more round of consultations and they just want to extend it at the fucking last minute. So we have to complete at least two assignment per day, without fail sleep at midnight, just to be in time for submission. Those people were playing while we were working like fuck, and yet they did nothing and they got extension. Seriously not fair.
Till now, I'm still angry with them.

So after submission, there's this critique right....
It was the first time I wasn't presenting right after submission. Or was it the second time?
I don't remember ... OH HELL.
And it was the first time that I practised my presentation at home, just to be prepared.
Thank god, there didn't yell at me. However, they were being extra careful while they are talking.
Apparently they wouldn't want me to cry again.
Thankful for that.


So holidays it's just three weeks, by right I would had another 7weeks of holiday after year2 but I have this stupid internship. So I'm here at home slacking, sleep late wake up late. Whereby I'm suppose to do my work, like make adjustments. But I'm just, can't be bothered with it, so when school reopens I'm gonna die.

YES, sleeping late waking up late. It's a privilege for youngsters.
Because you only be youngster once, might as well do whatever a youngster can do, don't wait till you're old and then you regret not doing certain things.
Sleeping late & wake up late is not something you can do when you start working and have a family.
So, why not do this now? Meanwhile, in my brain I'm thinking bout` other things that youngsters do..

I'm at my late 10s right now & I think I seriously grew up.
It was so scary that in just a while, I'm going to work, in five-eight years time I might have a family.
In ten to twelve years time, I will have a baby.
In twenty years time, I'll be an aunty.
In thirty years time, I'll be nearly 50.
In fourty years time, I'll be in retirement?
In fifty years time, I'll be having my grandson?
In sixty years time, I'll be sick & old.
In seventy years time, I'll be in heaven looking after people?
The first few I listed were my priorities, I kind of think about it these few days.

I start to worry for my internship, like how I'm suppose to have lunch.
I start to worry for my year 3, if my lecturers were going to be some assholes, but there's one definitely not.
I start to worry for my graduation, what's my gpa going to be.
I start to worry for my future studies, can I pursue degree in local U?
These things, you can't refuse to think, apparently our parents ain't gonna be with us forever.

Suddenly, I wished, I've eternity to spend.
Because I don't feel like being an L. architect anymore.
I want to be a doctor.
Then I want to be a k-pop star.
Then I want to be a lawyer
Then I want to be a franchise boss.
Then I want to be a fashion designer.
Then I want to be a comedian.
Then I want to be a teacher.
I also want to go Korea, again.
I want to go Japan too.
I want to go Shanghai tooo.
I want to go Beijing toooo.
I want to go Taiwan tooooo.
I want to go Thailand tooooo.
I want to go Bali toooooo.
I want to go Hawaii (honolulu) tooooooo.
I want to go NYC toooooooo.
I want to go Paris tooooooooo.
I want to go Italy tooooooooo.
I want to go Germany tooooooooo.
I want to go London toooooooooo.
I want to go LA tooooooooooo.
I want to go toronto toooooooooooo.
I need eternity for this.


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