Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1 more month to holiday


I was shocked to see the last post was bout` first week of school but right now how many weeks had passed? And now I'm kind of like at the 5th week is it?

Continuing where I ended with last time, we didn't go to some sungei buloh but ended up going to Uniseal and URA and had expensive chicken noodle. WELL I JUST SIMPLY CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED.

So those weeks that I missed, I was doing my group work and I totally feel like dying. Because I'm on break for too long that I lost the consistency and all those bla crap. I wasn't in a group that I'm comfortable with because I didn't work with them before and we don't have the ..
Doing group work suck, because it's hard to bear other's attitude and so on, I don't even know how to say. Thankfully they can tolerate me and so on.


Right now it's individual stage and I still don't understand why we're still doing case study in a group. I don't get why we going to to present all these stupid crap tomorrow. And hell, are they expecting us to start individual work by ourselves without a proper briefing or something? And hi hags, there's still 2 weeks, no around 14 days to submission if we exclude this week. Seriously, in these days we need to think of a stupid concept, layout, sketch, section, pptx. Yes, you want to watch us die and still give us group work to do. Always not getting whatever you all are doing. whatever. I KNOW, I'M GOING TO DIE IF I DON'T BUCK UP THIS SEMESTER AND PULL UP MY GPA. -.-


Hi, I just wanted some of your attention, is that so hard?
And I know, I'm in the wrong decision.

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