Monday, December 31, 2012



2012 has been .. too tough for me.
There's so many things happening this year that I kind of thank God for it and hated Hades too.

Back in January, the first best thing that happened was the FT. ISLAND concert. Finally got to see them face to face, real up close and that's the first k-pop act I ever saw in real life. It's also my first time going for a live concert, well not really, but a big scale concert. Also one of the best night I ever had, getting high all over and singing along with them. Don't think the second time will come very fast.
And the bad thing bout` January, I was sick like, a few days, near my submission dates and before after the concert. Other than that, I think there isn't any "very bad things" that happened.

In February, was it the CNY already? I think so.
The best thing that happened was, I think I did great for my project, the best I've ever done, getting 99.5/100 for a test.
The bad thing that happened? Maybe the CNY celebration.

In March, it was holiday!
The best thing was going overseas trip with friends, you'll never have enough of it actually. It was the.. 5th trip including school ones. Batam>Desaru(wth)>Port Dickson>Genting>Genting. Also, getting straight A+s, good GPA for year1, I think it's the best results I've gotten.
Bad thing? I couldn't remember... I can only remember me being sick just before going to Genting.

April, my birthday month huh & it's the start of year2.
The best thing that happened? I'm still sitting with my poly friends, and the best best best thing that happened was the surprise visit on 15th, and of course! Getting presents from everyone & their blessings. I love un-wrapping presents though, the more layers the better!
The worst thing? Lecturers are some assholes, perhaps LECTURER instead of LECTURERS.

May, couldn't remember any good things...
Worse: Rushing project like hell, and getting shitty results because they "disapprove" it.

June, holidays again.
Of course, slacking, go around eat and eat.
Bad thing? Cannot remember.

July, half holidays half school?
Rush projects...........................................................................................
Was it at this month that they announced that there's a Korea study trip? If it is, then it's the best thing that happened. AND IS IT DURING THIS TIME I GOT MY FIRST IPHONE 4S? HAHAHAHA.
Worse: Seeing lecturers flirting with each other.

August, what happened?
Rush projects maybe..
And realize that actually, new lecturer was some two-face, such a bad thing.
Worst: Cried in front of class that gave the lecturers some serious shock.

September.. Is it holidays and half school?
If it's holiday, then I must be slacking at home and rest and eat eat eat.
OH! Best hing: KOREA STUDY TRIP! My furtherest trip ever, it was such a.. memory, and perhaps the longest post I've blogged about. How amazing when it only left a memory in the brain.

October, new project, new group I though I was dying.
Worse thing: coping with people who we see as spies, playing mind games here and there, it's so tiring and well.... attacking each other with invisible missiles.
Best thing: I seriously cannot think of any.

It's submission time again. The worst thing was, they extended the stupid dateline at last minute and causing my clique to go haywire, since we're so called on schedule and able to submit on time, it was such a mental breakdown.
Best thing: those lecturers didn't scold me or yell at me and I start to like one of them even though she's a grandma, and a windbag.

December, it's the season of sharing/giving.
Best thing, too many to mention, and I shall not mention, you know what it is.
Worse thing? I'm hooked on computer game and I can't seem to stop and bout` my dad, you know I know.

For the past 10 minutes, it was such a recall... 2012 part 2, was part, the rest was okay I suppose. I hope 2013 will be better? Apparently everyone wishes for that, I just hope it will be smooth sailing. I think it will be, afterall the first two months will be hell because I'm still in second year. Then the next three months, I'll also be in hell actually, since I'm having internship. Year3 will be better I hope? Because new lecturers, new environment, and back to the old classroom which my class love so much.

Any ambition for 2013?
Not really, I just want to do well in what I'm doing.
And also, wishing the best for my family, of course.
In 4 months, I'll be 19, the last tens I'll ever be, I hope I can find immortality.
Some vamprie from the ancient time, come and find me, tell me I'm destined to be one of them please.

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