Sunday, October 21, 2012

First week of school


1 week just went like that. You can say that it's very fast but I hope it will be faster.

16Oct'12 Tuesday
Was late for school, well not considered late though, they haven't even start when "I'm late". So early in the morning, there's complications to where we know our groupings. How am I going to explain this.. There's 8 people out of 3x people chose the second option, which was what my friends and I picked. Out of the 8, 6 were part of my clique and the other two were simply extra, they're kind of like our "enemy" or even spy. 6 girls and 2 boys, so 2 groups of 4 and the two guys got separated into each group. And of course, my clique got separated into two, if those stupid guys didn't picked two (they actually wanted to pick others), my clique will be in a group, just like always.

But my new group was better, because that guy wasn't that competitive but he has a fake mask, we had to be careful in whatever we're doing. So my friends in the other group, they're suffering because of the other guy. Simply cause` he's too competitive that he's doing his solo work when it's suppose to be group effort. Whatever he's doing he didn't let the group know because he's scared that my friends in his group will exchange informations with us. Since we chose the same option, I don't think that exchanging information would be a crime. Typically, my friends are doing whatever they could in the end it wasn't up to the guy's expectation, so he's giving long black face all the time.

Before afternoon, we were supposed to go to the site either by ourselves or follow the lecturers. And since that guy from my friend's group want to go by ourselves, we had no choice but to follow, in fact we want to follow lecturers. So on the way to Bugis was super awkward and at Mac, I was so lucky that I get to sit beside that guy, so through out of it I was damn uneasy. Somehow we were the first to arrive at the place "Kampong Glam", so we started doing our surveys first. I hate doing surveys, obviously other people will also hate it right? So we had a hard doing it and in the end we fabricated the results to achieve the quota. Then went to visit the site, there's nothing much to see or do there, in the end we couldn't go home early cause they want to tabulate the surveys on the spot. So were sitting along the carpark like some idiot but managed to get cheesecake and hot chocolate from CoffeeBean on my way home, which kind of like lighten up my day.

17Oct`12 Wednesday
Have to go back to school to do work since we need to submit on Thursday, by right I don't have any lessons. So were there discussing how to present our findings since we have to do it in a more active way like role play. Obviously everyone of us don't want to act, so in the end we decided to be producers and composers. We replaced Gangnam Style's lyrics with our findings/research and sing them according to the original tune. Crazy right? I thought I was crazy too. At first we wanted to do a video, like MV but there isn't enough time. If we really have the time to do MV, I think I'll have a lot of NGs.

18Oct`12 Thursday
It's submission time, not exactly though but presentation time? Was rushing here and there in the morning, with the recording and stuff. I guess our version of Gangnam Style came out nice, and if there's going to have a MP3 version of it, I'm so going to get it from my friend. Recording took up quite a lot of time. So afternoon, we were the first to present, the earlier the better, so everyone's laughing at our song and that's the response we wanted. Of course, I couldn't hold back the laughter during presentation time, it's way too funny. Apparently everyone group has very interesting ways of conveying the findings and so on..

19Oct`12 Friday
SIP was.. I don't know how to say, I felt awkward, very awkward and I don't know what to do. Was kind of happy that we didn't have to attend SIP next week cause` there's a public holiday. But we have a task to do, I still don't quite understand bout` it and I don't feel like reading the brief yet. Rushed off after SIP cause` we were planning for a birthday surprise for my friend, was there rushing like mad and I think she already know bout` it. The hardest thing to do is that, you know bout` it but you've to act like you don't. It was kind of fail cause` we don't have candle and lack of planning. It's a very last minute thing and just very last minute got other classmates to join us in singing birthday song.

Right, had lunch outside class and I felt so awkward, again.
Went back in class, rushing like mad to do documentation, another submission where we have to file everything and submit together. Worse when there's briefing at 3pm and nobody's going to the venue to the extent that the lecturers had to come down to our class. The briefing took quite a lot of time and we haven't print our things yet, so I kind of like went to print things while they were still talking.

The briefing was bout` the project that we're doing, like what we have to submit and all these. And guess what? Because we performed too well on Thursday for our presentation, those stupid lecturers wanted us to make our coming up presentation more interesting. Who's going to do that when editing takes up a lot of time and we don't have enough time to finish our drawings or whatever. Seriously.


Exciting or tough? More tough than exciting I think. I just find the recording and composing fun, the rest suck like hell. And I'm gonna visit Sungei Boloh tomorrow to feed mosquitoes, I don't know why we are going there, there's nothing to see. I've no idea how many times I went there, secondary schools, primary schools.. Oh god. Hope I won't come back home with lots of bites.

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