Sunday, October 7, 2012

New look?


If you're startled by the background image.. Let me explain.
I'm the process of changing a new look because the old one was so boring. And most importantly, with the old template, I cannot see my Korea Trip post anymore therefore I've to do something right! Somehow, somehow I ended up using the template powered by blogger, other templates were just.. plain ugly. Because using the template powered by blogger, I can choose the colour I want and etc, because of this I was so damn frustrated with my background, whether I want it solid colour or an image. At first, I wanted a solid colour so I decided to go ahead with pink, but then again somehow I just don't like it, therefore making another effort to adjust the colours. No matter how I adjust, I just won't like it, with no choice I decided to try out image background...

First background I uploaded and 'try', obviously was the big bang's concert image? I found it weird at first, because I'm not really a big bang fan. Somehow, I went ahead to try out FT.Island's new album poster image but.. I don't know if I'm unlucky or just plain suay, cause the image's too short or something there's overlapping. No matter how I adjust, there's still overlapping, so I removed it and swapped with Bigbang's.

The background is just.. tentative measure that I'm taking.
Right now, I just don't have the energy to adjust the colours or find other suitable image.
I've a feeling like I'm doing photoshop all over again.


I just got news that I've project on the first week of school and the submission's on the first week. So research and all those bullshit stuff starts on Tuesday but have to submit on Friday. Naturally, I'm.. I really hate this. Plus, we don't get to choose our own groups.. I don't know what's going to happen.. Oh, whatever.

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