Friday, October 12, 2012

Another new look?

From last time's Bigbang background to now, a very solid pink background. Didn't took me long to adjust this and that, maybe around 15minutes. Ever since I switched to this template, I can no longer type very long posts otherwise it looked weird. I think it look better with words in paragraph rather in stanzas. Whenever I look at the layout of my blog it seems to be like some.. very girly's site or princess feeling because of the colour.
So, it's last week of school and obviously I want longer holidays. But these things cannot be extended or something, so I've been going out like madness, doing the things that I have the 'feel' or I want to do. In Less than 2 weeks, I've been to KBox for 3 times (what's wrong with me?). 1st time was on impulse, 2nd because it wasn't enough, 3rd ... I don't know. So, three times cost me $30. Just went to Seoul Garden yesterday and had good food just before school opens.
Everyone's saying school is so hard, it's so stress.
I'm so sick of people telling me that they're stress or something, technically I'm more stress than the people out there just simply because I'm in some stupid design course with fucked up lecturers. Unless, you've to rush out designs (which cannot be cheated or something), don't you dare compare with me. If designs can be cheated, it'll be a whole lot so much easier, but no. So what if we've lesser tests than other courses? Hello, we are constantly working on a stupid thing and many times we've to redo like fuck. Not like engineering and some science course, you just go to class calculate sums or do experiments.
So those out there, I've enough of you telling me it's so stress.
It's so stupid when there's more than one telling you.
Come my course then you know how tough it is.
And I don't need to even go your course to get a taste of it.
Cause` it's going to be more simple and easier.

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