Monday, October 15, 2012


First day of school, a very horrible one. Is it because I'm on break too long that made my brain real dead or something? I'm feeling the motivation to do better this semester but the moment I saw the stupid project that we're going to do, straight away I'm not motivated.

Like what we were told before we go on break, we were to choose from three architectural design from the architect students.. Before all these decisions and presentations, stupid old hag went through the whole semester planning with us, telling us when we have this and that. Obviously, I find it stupid and some of those activities were redundant and just wasting our time.

For example, some grooming talk that will be held in school and organized by school. I saw the e-mail bout` it and it says it's not compulsory but the stupid old hag said we've to go. Our project is already taking up most of our time and we'll really be busy like hell and she still wanted us to go for stupid grooming talks that we ain't interested. Most of all, she lied that it's compulsory, thinking that we never check our e-mail or something? I don't even understand why she's organizing field trips like hell, I don't think I'm going to learn anything. Why organizing field trips when we're suppose to be busy doing our project?

Later, those architect students gave us presentation on their work and I'm like..  
From the start to end, I'm only interested with the second one. (There's three of them.)
We have a hard time choosing whatever we want, apparently it's going to be the same cause` we'll find it hard and so on so I guess there's nothing much that we've to consider. What we really have to consider is bout` the grouping cause there'll be group work first before going to individual (starting tomorrow, and for 1 month.) Apparently, you don't want to be in the same group with people who doesn't do work or not that "pro", for that hour we were trying to play mind games by guessing who's choosing which.

Just when we decided to go with the second one (my friends and I chose the same project though), this guy the person that we dislike came and talk to me. So obvious that he's trying to ask me what I'm going to choose, apparently whatever I'm going to choose is going to be the same as my friends. I told him, on purpose that I don't know what to choose and guess what he told me? He went and surveyed everyone or interview people, that most of the people choose the first and third project, (so apparently I'm safe, cause I'm choosing 2.) But guess what? He's also choosing two because he doesn't want to end up with those who doesn't do work. So conclusion, the probability of being in the same group as him is very very very high. And also, there's this another girl whom we dislike too, chose the second project also (assuming it because the guy chose 2, they're always together and etc.) Oh well, I don't know how to survive tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be such an exciting day because.. We're going to get our groupings when we reach school tomorrow, apparently the old hag's going to group us according to who's choosing which project. We can't choose our own group, so we don't want to end up being in the same group as people we don't like, we want to stay together. But that's so impossible because I know the old hag too well. Currently, I'm not having any mental preparation for tomorrow's grouping, neither do I want to know anything or having any spoilers. I just don't wish anything bad.


First day of school, yet I'm already hating it.
How to survive for the next two months?

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