Sunday, October 14, 2012


Somehow, I've the feeling that my blog looked something like a livejournal. I'm just saying bout` the template thing.

I'm spending the last bit of holidays, doing the things that I wanted to do and things that I didn't got enough. Huh, what am I saying? Just told that, there's two public holidays this term and I'm kind of like quite happy cause` I don't need to go school, who isn't happy?

Now, last day of holiday, am right now spending some quality time with my laptop and my bed. At the same time, Vampire Diaries Season 4 is back with more awesome actions and storyline! But, I'm quite frustrated bout` it cause` the video on the web loaded so slowly that, it paused after I watched for a while. To the extent that, I rather download it on funshion and watch. So in the meantime, while waiting for it to download finish, I'm here writing these stuff.

Actually, I almost watched half of it that on web but it isn't loading..
I think it's the best English/America drama that I enjoyed most. So much better than some stupid vampire films. Just realized that, I've 4 books of vampire diaries that I haven't manage to read. And since the story's told base on the third person, I'm having a headache remembering who's who. And also, the names of the characters are different in the books and the drama. So confusing right?

Come to think of it, Breaking Dawn Part2's releasing soon?
I think?
And yes, I'm so going to catch it on mega-screen cause` the trailer looked so awesome, filled with lots of anxiety and actions. But then again, if the trailer's awesome and the whole movie isn't. I think I'll faint.


By the way, I've this dream last night and it was a good one I think?
So it goes..
I don't know where I am but it's some place that I can't recognize. I'm sure I was leaving from somewhere like a theatre or a house or something. To which later, I saw members of FT.Island. Not exactly all of them, I only saw two, hongki and jonghun. Because I'm leaving for somewhere, I somehow turned back and shouted "annyeong!!!!", and hongki kind of like made a very cute expression and waved back but jonghun was so dao (he's looking at the floor or something.)

It's another dream, very different. The first one was like in a scene where they knew me, like friends. But the second one, they didn't know me and I'm like some fan-girl waiting outside for them to come out. There's lots of people crowding outside, just like those fan-girl scenes in "you're beautiful" (drama), this time Yuk's inside the dream with me. Alright, somehow they came out and waved at us, and these fan-girls wanted to get signature from them. But they didn't look willing at first but still decided to give us fan-service. Somehow, the vision changed again to a air-conditioned room where the five boys were standing behind a curved table separately. Whereby, the fangirls can just go to their bias and get their signature. Obviously, I went to queue for jonghun with Yuk and somehow I gave him a "paper calender" kind of thing with some weird cartoon (I don't know). He laughed and signed and then I realized I gave him the wrong thing to sign on, so Yuk kind of like ask jonghun on behalf of me whether he can sign one more time. So he did, and this time I don't know what I gave him to sign and I just remember I kept saying "sorry" (wtf?), then he kept laughing. And in the end, he said something very weird or what (I'm sure it's a positive thing, can't remember), but most importantly he said these in English.

AND... I WOKE UP. -.-


School tomorrow.
Now, spend time to do whatever you want to do!

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