Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Things that I missed out?


After reading what I posted last night I kind of like missed out some stuff.
Plus, I think my brain stayed in Korea rather than coming back to Singapore with me. Because I actually typed February rather than September in my last post until Wuli told me bout` it.
Hi brain, please come back on your own. I've no money to take airplane there to find you.

Some things that I missed out..

1. Korean Air
What's Korean Air? Obviously it's the country's airline. (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
Before I took the plane to Korea, I did a rough research bout` Korean Air and that I found there's quite a few accidents/incidents with the plane. Like some crashing or whatever, I didn't read in details cause` I was afraid of knowing more (what for I go and search? Hmm..)

After searching I've some doubts with the plane service so that day when I board the plane I was kind of nervous. To the extent that I actually whatsapp/tweet with my fingers shaking like.. Plus, I wasn't in a good mood cause` the airplane's seating suck, and and I had to sit with two guys from other diploma. Worse, they're from year1 and I don't even know them, so I imagined I'll die in that 6hours.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Everybody knows, the moment when the wheels of the plane left the ground and took off is the most shiok one. Likewise for me. Everything's good until.. We reached somewhere like in between Manila/Hongkong/Taiwan.. The plane started to shake. Yes, it really started to shake and I was thinking 'you got to be kidding me', to the extent that.. we were asked to put on seatbelt for quite a few times.

People who often take planes should know that, except for taking off and touching down you don't really need to put on seatbelt unless the plane isn't stable or whatsoever. In my case, the plane was shaking like.. I immediately got a shocked and the plane kept 'going up and down'. It's the kind of feeling that, when you're inside bus/car and when that vehicle drove past a lump or whatsoever on the road, you'll feel yourself 'going up' like your butt's in the air. I believe Malaysia still has this kind of roads, still many of them. So the feeling I had on the plane when it kept 'moving up and down', I felt at least x10 more threatening. It's like my heart can pop out at anytime.

It didn't happen for once but quite a few times. The plane kept 'moving up and down' at Manila/hongkong/Taiwan for around 5-8minutes. I thought it was over and tried to sleep but it started again when we were at around Jeju Island. Yes, the plane 'went up and down' again, more vigorous this time (I swear, no joke) that.. made me stomach pain or something. All the way until just before we reached Incheon, I really thought the plane's gonna crash, no joke.

Obviously, I know this 'going up and down' thingy was because of the wind/clouds/turbulence and so on. I'm not stupid and it's perfectly normal. In my mind, I was thinking, if we boarded SA, it won't happened. Right, so nevermind but the trip back from Incheon to Singapore was neither better.

Again, the plane started to shake again, I've no idea where we were maybe around taiwan part. At that time, we were having our dinner and yes the plane kept shaking that I can't even eat properly. Of course, you've water served with your meal right, so while the plane's shaking, my friend and I just looked at the water. We were kind of like, staring at the water for quite a while, just to observe how shaky the plane was that caused the water to.. Oh gosh, but this time the plane doesn't 'go up down' but went sideways. I swear, you can feel the plane going right and left, right left right left and you can't even bring the spoon of food to your mouth properly.

I'll still prefer to fly with Singapore Airlines if I get to choose.


2. Why Koreans dislike the Chinese (China people)
From this trip, I noticed there's lot of China people that visited Korea, really a lot. Remembered that I went Nanta show, almost the whole theatre was flooded with the Chinese and a bit of 'ang-mohs'. The Chinese, whatever they do were so irritating that even my ahma (chinese herself dislike them). So during the show, I could hear those Chinese speaking loudly even though the show's still on-going. It's like everybody can hear them talking.

Another was, when I was on the way to the airport, we went to this place for lunch and we could also buy some local products. So those Chinese were buying those local products like they don't cost any money. Throughout the place, it was flooded with the Chinese, again they were talking like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, like it's their home. Everything that they bought, the cashier somewhat packed them into big boxes like parcels. SERIOUSLY CHINESE?

Obviously, the authentic koreans there were .. ya know..

3. Plastic bags
In Singapore, we get plastic bags no matter how little we buy.
In Korea, it isn't the case. I'm not sure they're trying to recycle or something..
Because, I went into MISSHA, I bought a few masks, I don't get plastic bag but some kind of paper holder to those masks inside..

Then later.. I went into somewhere, I bought a few masks, this time it's worse. The person don't give me any plastic bags. It's like she took my money and returned me the masks without putting them into any carrier. I stared at her like..

I went to G25 (7-11) alike shop to get maggie mee.
So I didn't buy maggie mee.. I bought a 5x packet maggiee mee, 3 single packets one, and I believe a strawberry milk and chocolate milk.
This time, I got a plastic bag.
I was shocked to see the person.. squeezing all my items into a small plastic bag that it actually filled my stuff to the top and made it hard to.. carry.


Actually there were a lot of things that I wanted to say, but I just couldn't remember.
I just noticed that, my previous post was so long that my blog could only feature yesterday's post and not older entries.

By the way, Lili's going India tomorrow.
INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder how is she going to survive with the heat.
I hope she don't buy me anything from India :x

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