Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cannot adjust back.


Ever since I'm back from Korea, (been a couple of days already) I think my brain stayed there for good and really didn't came back with me. There's reasons to why I'm saying this. Let me share a few awkward/embarrassing moments I had when I came back from Korea.

1. At MacDonald's
Just around 12 hours after I arrived in Singapore, I went out to Plaza to get lunch for myself and of course my brother. Somehow I decided to get MacDonald's. I wanted to get nuggets and mcspicy but I said mcspicy and mcwings instead. Oh gosh, thank myself that I immediately noticed I ordered wrongly.

Then.. After ordering and also paid the money, I just stood there. YES I JUST STOOD THERE.
Which was the wrong thing to do. Because you move to the left and wait for your meal to be packed or something. BUT I JUST STOOD THERE. I must be thinking that I'm still in Korea. I stood there for a while until I realized it, people behind me must be..

2. At KFC.
Just the day I arrived on Singapore, that night I went and had KFC with Lili. I almost wanted to point out whatever I want to eat just like how I did in Korea, I think nobody found out. Also, I don't know whether I'm having my brain with me I actually forgotten the egg tart she wanted. It's like she told me just seconds ago and I couldn't remember. Oh gosh me.

I can only remember this two.


Frankly speaking, I'm missing Korea like..
What are the things that I'm missing?
1. The weather
2. The food
3. The shopping
4. Freedom
5. Chocolate Milk/Strawberry milk
6. Nothing else.. ?

1. The weather
I'm missing the weather because, I experienced this typhoon on the first day of the trip. It was so cold and windy that made it memorable. Speaking of the weather, there's this big storm and rain this morning that seem so inferior to the typhoon-weather I got in Korea. Previously before I left, there's times where Singapore rained like ffffffffffffff that it's always big wind and harsh rain. To the extent that when I looked out my window, the tree was moving also, so I 'woah' at the weather. But this morning, I was there 'cheh like that only'.

And also Korea's weather was more cooling (at this time) but Singapore's hot. I just missed the times when there's strong sun but I'm not sweating much because of the temperature.

Then I discovered some interesting fact.
Because Korea's weather's more cooling, so no matter how late I slept or whatsoever.. Pimples started to heal instead of appearing again. Most importantly, I didn't even a lot of water everyday when I was there, I think I drank bout` half of the bottle everyday. Still, pimples are healing.

But once I reached Singapore, just a few days later (since I'm still sleeping late) new pimples are growing and old pimples ain't healing. Plus, I think I drank more water here than in Korea, obviously this has something to do with the weather. It's so obvious that I can felt my hair oily at night around 9pm in Korea but in Singapore, around 4-5pm.

Then again, don't think that Korea's weather was cooling that people won't have pimples. Koreans have pimples and also serious acne problems, don't be fooled by those Korean Idols (I was fooled). Because those idols they went for treatment like weekly or something and makeup skills were too awesome that it looked like they didn't had makeup at all. I've seen quite a few Koreans with serious acne problems, worse than mine, so don't think that Koreans have those sparkling sparkling skin. Also, I'm not saying a lot of the Koreans are suffering from this problem too. You can never tell unless the person's not wearing any makeup.

2. The food
The food there was awesome, real awesome. If you happen to be there, you've to try every street snacks, their restaurants, their BBQ. And you'll think that these Koreans restaurants in Singapore were.. But, somehow I don't miss Kimchi.

3. The shopping
As already mentioned, shopping malls in Korea were nothing like Singapore's. If it's clothings they'll just sell clothings, you won't see those stupid foodcourts, cinema, gadgets shops inside. So, I miss it because I feel that it's much easier to shop like this.

4. Freedom
I'm not saying that I don't have freedom in Singapore. Because I was on a trip, I can just spend things 'anyhow', but in Singapore I tend to think more before I get anything. So, I'm not having enough freedom. Plus, I don't need to worry how much I spent. It was seldom for me to be still outside at late hours, in Korea I was outside until at least 12midnight then I return to hotel. But I won't be able to do that in Singapore, if I ever did that, I'll receive unlimited spamming of calls from parents. In Korea, nobody care how late you go back to the hotel, not even the lecturers.

5. Chocolate Milk/Strawberry Milk.
I know it's stupid to miss these drinks but there's nothing like those in Singapore. I drank it almost every single day, obviously I'll miss them the moment I stopped drinking.

I felt like staying at the same hotel too. SINCE IT'S SO NEAR TO DONGDAEMUN AND SUBWAY!

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