Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back from Korea


Am back from Korea for a while.
WARNING: This is going to be a long post, skip if you hate draggy ones.

SO, I departed on 16Feb's night flight at around .. 10:40pm.
And came back on 21Feb's evening flight at around .. 6:40pm.

16-17Sept (Sunday-Monday)
As I expected, I packed my luggage last minute and left for the airport quite early. I was there around 7:10pm when I needed to report at around 8pm. So, met my friend Claudia since she reached first (she's so near to airport and still left so early..) Was there waiting at terminal 2 for the others to arrive, sitting down their with nothing to do until bout` 8plus then we gathered at the ..

Was shocked at the ticket because lecturers passed us a piece of paper and said that was the ticket. Obviously it's not and I didn't believe until I went to check in and got a new ticket (forgot to take picture). Cleared the custom at the departure hall and went in to walk around, honestly there's nothing much there. Because we were quite hungry so we ended up in some place and grabbed something. Totally, felt so stupid when we walked to the gate, because we refilled water too early and we have to pour away before going in. I don't know why my seating was so far from all my friends, apparently they're in around 44-46 and mine was 42 and it was an aisle seat. Since the numbers are far different, so I was left alone, when they went in the plane (their seating row numbers got called first). Was shivering outside while waiting to get into the plane, and later I got to know that beside me were two guys from another diploma, year1. Obviously, I'm quite sian bout` it, since I don't know them and it's a 6 hours flight. Worse, we can't change seat since one of my friends was stuck with a mother and child, and the other 3 got to sit together. To my horror, it's a 3-3-3 seating plan, it's kind of bad. So no choice but to stick to my seat but luckily, the two guys were kind enough to change seats with me so ended up I got the window seat.

Actually, I could take a better picture of this but the plane was going to lane so .. Lots of magazines to read but there's a problem, it's all in Korean and obviously I don't know how to read. There's this tablet monitor in front that you can watch movies, play games, listen to songs and do some shopping. And what was I doing? I was there browsing through what movies were in there and first I tried to watch 'Dark Shadows' but the introduction was too boring that I changed to watch 'Battleship'. Had supper with rice, chicken meat, bread, fruits and don't know what. Didn't get a picture because, I was busy watching movies. Tried to sleep after finishing the movies but I couldn't and it's kind of like normal? I looked around, those two guys beside me didn't really sleep either. By the way, the tablet monitor = touch screen but it's so hard to use, it's not that sensitive so I've to wait for it to load. But using the remote controller was much easier and I felt so stupid that I don't know how to it back in after pulling it out. I think I kind of like slept a while and we reached Korea at around.. 6am KST, and it took us quite a while to clear the custom.

Amyhow grabbed pictures of the airport and since I'm not that awake yet so.. Will show you more of the Incheon International Airport later. After clearing customs, we had to get our l uggage right.. But the thing was, there's no signs to show which way to walk to the belt to collect luggage. But we found the way and I must say, waiting for luggage was very fast, we just stood around for 5mins and tadah! Walked out the airport and got on the coach and went for some breakfast. It's a long way to the breakfast venue so ... yawn. Caught some glimpse of the scenery and I was shocked, disappointed/whatever because it wasn't what I imagined it to be. I just felt that it's like Malaysia.

Interior of restaurant, side dishes, Udon breakfast

What to say... Still wasn't awake yet so I'm kind of like, just ate whatever were on the table. The Udon was quite nice, well like typical udon we had in Singapore. YES, their kimchi much better than Singapore's, like obviously. Another long ride after breakfast to Namiseom. What's Namiseom, have you heard of Nami Island? The one that appeared in the drama Winter Sonata. When we reached there, the wind was super strong and it was raining, we were kind of like stuck in there and do nothing. Worse, there's not much shelter so we were there shivering under the rain, pathetic us. 

The zip wire thing that you can go all the way up, sit on the chair with wires connect way the way to the island. So it's kind of like a faster transport to reach the island. I don't know how to explain this, but if you watched the variety show, we got married (leetuk and Sora's version), you'll know what I'm talking bout`. The weather was bad, and the wind was getting stronger so we couldn't board ferry to the island and .. WASTED.

If you've no idea what's Namiseom, this is it. You probably see this on the computer desktop background in default settings or something. I'm sure you see this before. But we couldn't get to this place due to the weather, stupid? Then we went off for lunch. I was like, 'you got to be kidding' because it wasn't long after we had udon breakfast and we were heading off for lunch.

So, lunch was Korean BBQ with chicken, pork and beef! The whole table was flooded with lots of side dishes and meat. Seems like side dishes were very important to Koreans. Lunch's kimchi was better than morning's one, though it looked the same but it tasted different. Tour guide said there's 200+ kimchi, but I couldn't taste the difference. 

Seaweed soup, side dishes(salad, veggie, kimchi, fishcake), hotpan?, Pork/Chicken/Beef

Ajumma cutting the meat for us. It looked delicious and tasted awesome, I swear. It's different from the stupid Seoul Garden that we had in Singapore. Their servings were like what I would say, their one serving= two servings in Singapore. It's kind of like freeflow, everything's free if you ask for more. So, chicken/beef/pork which tasted better? I think Chicken>Beef>Pork. By the way, we also tried the style how Koreans eat BBQ, usually they put meat+garlic+sauce+rice+kimchi/any side dishes and wrap them with the veggie. Yes, I tried that, it tasted weird at first, but awesome later. There's a trick in wrapping these food inside, alright it's awesome. 

Next stop, some museum. 
Not sure if you guys remember, the whole of Korea got hit by a typhoon and caused torrential rain all over the peninsula. Not only torrential rain but also gust of wind. It was already raining while we were on the way to this Museum by coach. When we stepped off the bus, strong wind came and were hit by the rain. I swear to you that, it's not very cold but because of the wind it made you shiver. I would say it was raining so heavily that the umbrella will "fold up" so there's no use with an umbrella. The weather was already bad and because this Museum was near the blue house (president's house?), the coach couldn't stopped just outside the place so we had to walk quite a distance to the venue. 

Looking at the weather and we've no umbrella, we kind of like just ran to the next shelter, getting ourselves all wet from head to toe, thank god I've Hwee's Jacket otherwise I'm not going to survive. Since it's quite far from where we alighted to the venue, we had to run and run to the next shelter. The weather's still bad and getting worse, somehow we got an umbrella (extra one), but the umbrella .. In the end, I just opened the umbrella and hold it like a stupid person. I think the umbrella spoiled so ... it's kind of complicated. 

A whole new experience with strong gust of wind and heavy rain. It's horrible, experiencing one time was enough. Halfway through the road to the Museum, we had a chance to get back to coach since the weather suck, we ended up voting whether we should proceed or go back, in the end people complaining bout` the  weather, not wanting to proceed voted to continue. FUCK. I voted 'going back bus', all because of stupid Idris (lecturer), he himself was too high out` this trip and because of him, we had to stick together and suffer in this stupid weather. 

Some images of the Museum. Too lazy to upload all here since I uploaded them on facebook. Touring the museum was super ultra boring. 
The Museum's lights suck, it's too dim and pictures taken won't be nice, in the end, PHOTOSHOP THEM. 
Whatever, touring the museum was a waste of them, looking through all the traditional stuff that I don't even feel like seeing and it's not even interesting. The whole group ended up separating parts here and there, the lecturers didn't even care bout` us and just walked on their own. Bullshit.

Bought this Hot Chocolate at the Museum's cafe and what I'm afraid happened. Language barrier, I don't understand what they're saying and all I could do was, order something simple and stare at the cashier machine to look at the price. By the way, this was the first thing I bought in Korea. After slacking a while, waiting for all the people to gather back, it's another way to hell. Because the bus stopped outside, we had to walked out again, quite a long distance to the bus. Yes, under the stupid weather with heavy rain and wind. It was so... I thought I'll fly away. From getting wet and dried up in the Museum and now getting wet again, who's not going to be sick or a bit unwell the next day?

Dinner at some Japanese restaurant. I looked at the food and I'm like shit, I'm going to waste food and not finishing them. I'm not a fan of the fish and I think it taste bad to me, but to others it was awesome. To me, I don't like the fishy smell so naturally, I don't really like fish. I just felt that the fish wasn't cooked properly because there's still the fishy smell there. All I could do was... take a bit and swallow them with a lot of rice. I think I only took a few bites. By the way, the fish was so big that you can't find this kind of size in Singapore, if you do I think it'll be some restaurant that will cost you more than SGD$15.

Went off to the 7-11 near the restaurant and got raincoat for the next day and of course, the banana milk!

I didn't dare to drink banana milk so I got the strawberry one. I would say, it's better than Singapore's. Though there's no difference in the names but it tasted lots better. So for the next few days in Korea, I kept buying this at any stores that I could see. By the way, this cost 1200WON, Around SGD$1.3. 

Besides those strawberry milk, my other favourite drink was this Chocolate milk. It tasted better than HL's and other brands in Singapore. It also cost, 1200WON. A bit expensive I would say, but I think I had this for almost five days and now I miss it.

Finally we were going back to the hotel after long hours of suffering in the rain and being sticky here and there, oily faces and sleepy eyes. Like expected, the hotel rooms were small (I checked online before) but I think it's alright because the hotel was very near shopping district, dongdaemun. After a bit of washing up, four of us, my dasao, ahma, claudia and of course me went to explore things around the hotel. We walked to  the shopping district and as expected lots of fashion and street vendors. You just couldn't help but to stop right in front of the street vendor that sell Korean snacks, those sticks like fish cakes/hotdogs/rice cakes cost around 1500WON to 3000WON, depends on what you buy. Obviously, they tasted awesome but if you're not a fan of chili, then I suggest you tell the the person that you don't want any sauce otherwise you'll die from it.

Walking along the street at night was awesome because the rain stopped and most importantly under this weather I wore shorts out. It wasn't that cold if you put on your jacket and have shorts instead of jeans. 

Went into the shopping mall called Hello APM? 
To me, it's like the bugis street where there's lots of clothes with a very cheap price ranging from 5000WON to I don't know? The most expensive I saw was around 30,000WON? So it's kind of like from around SGD $5.50- SGD$31. The whole mall was clothes and clothes it's nothing like a typical mall in Singapore. Looked around and nothing caught my eye. 

Went to another mall later, this was a much high class one because their apparels were very expensive and were like self-brands or branded stuff. So their price were like double/thrice the price of the previous mall. Obviously, we bought nothing there and U-turn back to the hotel since it's quite late and we were quite tired. Saw this alley with lots of cosmetic shops (etude house, face shop etc), went in and bought some mask and looked around. Masks cost around 1000WON to 4000WON (SGD$1+ to SGD$4+), compared to Singapore it's quite cheap. 

Back to hotel and noticed that our adapters couldn't be used so we went down to the hotel lobby to loan one from them and paid deposit. I can't stand my friend with unlimited questions, I don't know whether was it I'm too tired or she's just plain stupid. She was saying, that the adapter that the hotel had didn't have the USB port so she cannot charge her phone. How can a phone come with only a USB cable without a connector dock? HOW CAN THIS BE? I just ignored her stupid question and paid deposit with my own money (she didn't pay any), I did this so we could quickly go up and rest. I was even, so lazy to explain to her that later in the room she told me, she can charge her phone already. So in the hotel room it's like she charged her things first and bathed first like I don't need to charge my things. So what she have two devices to charge, blame herself for using her stupid digital cam when the quality's bad and blame her for not being in flight mode. So, I didn't get to charge my phone and I gave up charging it since I've portable charger. Then I learned, she also had portable charger, I'M LIKE DAFUQ, YOU CANNOT USE THE PLUG TO CHARGE CAM AND PORTABLE TO CHARGE YOUR PHONE? BULLSHIT. 

Because she bathed first and I had extreme long hair, my hair couldn't dry in time and I had to use the stupid hair dryer. Especially when I just dyed my hair, it's extremely fragile and dry so I would avoid using hair dryer because it'll make my hair dryer. WELL -.- Next thing that I can't stand bout` her was that, she's was on that thing, and PLEASE LAH DON'T LET ME SEE IT, ALTHOUGH WE'RE GIRLS BUT DON'T LET ME SEE -.- DAFUQ SIA. I ended up being very angry the very first night I share room with her. I don't think it's because I'm unreasonable I just felt that it's her fault. NO?


18Sept (Tuesday)

Second thing that made me angry that morning.. We said we'll have breakfast at 8am, so at 8am we went over to my dasao, ahma's room. They were like, still having wet hair and .. THEY WANT TO STYLE THEIR HAIR ? DAFUQ, SO I WAS THERE SITTING ON THE BED WAITING FOR THEM, AND WE WENT DOWN BREAKFAST LIKE 15MINS LATER. BULLSHIT? HELLO, I'M HUNGRY, and I can't stand people who's late at things. It's not like I'm impatient but they were late and made us wait in their room, they would had said something like .. we can go down to eat first but they didn't so they made us wait. 

Went down to the hotel's cafe for breakfast. Their bread was awesome nice, that's it. There's this language barrier again, before having breakfast you have to sign on your name first. SOME IDIOT WENT TO SIGN OUR NAMES AND WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. FUCK. AND I'M SURE THAT AJUMMA AT THE COUNTER THERE SAID 'BABO' WHICH WAS STUPID. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. In the end, we signed at somebody else's names. 

Trip to Seoul National University was quite far. 
Just for your informational, Seoul was separated into north and south by this Hangang river (the one with awesome lighting at night and the place where celebrities love to go). I don't understand why when we reached SNU, we have to visit a Museum first. MUSEUM AGAIN, YOU BUEH SIAN? Inside the stupid museum were all of the ancient diary and maps and all those.. Honestly, I'm learning nothing inside and just roaming around the place anyhow take pictures. 

Proceeded to the Engineering block of SNU, there were lots of them and I can't remember how many there were. Passed by this admin block with a very nice view and then.. The campus, I must say it's full of steep slopes that you'll die while walking towards the top, you won't even see this kind of slope in Singapore. Passed by their campus bookstore and souvenir shop that was so stuffy and then went to tour around their lab rooms with students inside either studying for their bachelor/PHD, so it's all the smart people there. It's like these smart people were going in introduce what they've been studying and doing and showing us how the machines worked. I was there, half-sleepy because all those stupid experiments wasn't our business, I mean they're all bout` water things that don't really relate to my course. 

This guy here was quite cute, assuming he was too nervous he kept laughing and his English.. I don't really understand their English maybe because of the accent and I don't think they understand ours. But, this guy tried really hard to explain to us and stupid Idris just kept asking him questions that really made him.. 'sweat'. (Photo not taken by me.) 

I remember this guy's name, Han Jae Joon. I can remember because of some K-pop idol. By the way, he's studying PHD if I'm not wrong and.. I was wondering if Koreans have different English accent. Because his accent was much lesser and more 'normal'. Then, after all those lab tour we walked another long distance to their school foodcourt for lunch. Guess what we had for lunch?(Photo not taken by me.) 

Authentic Korean food, bibimbap. I think it looked a lot different from Singapore's version and obviously, it looked nicer and I assume Singapore's version doesn't provide all those side dishes? By the way, just by looking at the egg it was so delicious and the bean sprouts were extremely long, almost twice as long compared to those we see in Singapore. While eating, we had much laughter while some other people were trying to learn korean from the SNU's students (student who brought us around the campus). Green tea ice cream for dessert and again better than Singapore's. Walked another long distance back to the engineering block, again those steep slopes, long flights of staircases that I really felt like dying. Sat in their classroom and listened to one of the Prof explaining their campus and some of the courses for us, I must say his English DAEBAK, not like Korean's but someone from America. 

I was kind of relieved that we don't have to do the stupid costume cultural exchange with the students because they're having exams! And that gave us free time that we went to Myungdong! Just right before leaving the campus, took a couple of group photo and.. Photographs or generally people should know that pictures look nicer when light shines on you. BUT AFTERNOON SUN SHINING ON PEOPLE IS A DISASTER. Stupid Idris made us stand at the spot where the sun shines directly at us that you can't even open your eyes. STUPID. 

Was kind of happy that we could go Myungdong after SNU, so my dasao and I was quite happy bout` it. Once we reached there, we were like there's only an hour plus for us to walk so we should hurry and all those. Was stuck at the shop, 'MISSHA' because of masks and stupid things and I didn't really buy much. Then, we walked in further and the street looked the same to us, if you are not good with directions you'll surely get lost inside. The place was like maze, where you enter the main road then there's sub roads that you can go in by the sides that lead you to somewhere else. Was looking through all kinds of clothings there and if you like shopping, this is the place for you. There's a whole long street of cosmetics, clothings, accessories in there mostly for the females. I would say the things are generally cheap, like those in Bugis but there's shops that sells the same item at higher price. In the end, I just bought a few masks and a chiffon top.


AND AND AND AND AND! I MANAGED TO GET GD'S ALBUM ONE OF A KIND AFTER WALKING AT MYUNGDONG FOR A LONG TIME! When I saw an album shop, I was super high because I've been looking for this album for a while (Wuli asked me to buy so.. was trying my best to find), and when I was inside, there's lot of albums and I even saw Ft.island's. Then again I couldn't find GD's so the person asked me what album I'm looking for in Korean without any single word in English. She repeated the same thing twice before I could understand what she's saying, actually I don't understand what she said and I was there thinking those possible questions that the person asked. 

Me: Huh? 
Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. GD?
That person: *Immediately took out the album*
Then I was looking for SJ's sexy free and single for yuk..
Me: Super Junior? 
That person: *Immediately took out the album* (But it's the small version, I wanted the bigger version)
So this time I was using sign language and she really understood what I meant and took out the bigger version on. But then I didn't buy because I'm afraid yuk didn't want and it cost around SGD$21. 
(Overall, I think I'm so smart that I could guess what she asked me, and really, I guessed correctly after hearing what she said twice. Ain't I smart?)
By the way, I was extremely happy because I managed to buy the album otherwise somebody's disaapointed.

While we gathered at the entrance (there's lots of entrance so...) there's this weird uncle doing weird actions that made you think that he's crazy. Yep, you see this kind of people in Korea too. Dinner was at some restaurant far from Myungdong, it's grilled skewers (chicken and pork).


Yep so this is it. You put the skewers into the thingy and fire underneath will cook it and also it turns automatically so you'll don't have to use your hands to do it manually. You'll see the oil from the meat, drip and drip and underneath this metal plate was all the oil.. 

Took a long time to finish this whole set because cooking took up a lot of time. At the place we sat, there's this fan blowing cold wind and naturally making it slower for the meat to be cooked. I didn't ate much that night, because it wasn't nice. I just felt that it wasn't really cooked and the oil.. Too oily, I would say. Plus you can only grilled 3 at once, not very efficient though. 

Went for this Nanta show at somewhere I couldn't remember the location. It's a small theatre only for Nanta show and it's always full. For your information, Nanta show is a non-verbal performance using anything in the Kitchen to make sound, including cooking pans, knife, vegetables, plates etc. So the whole performance was bout`.. One day, there's 3 chefs in the kitchen, their manager introduce his nephew, a rookie to be a chef and they had to prepare a banquet in a very short time and so the story goes.. 

There's a part whereby the main chef was doing his solo show. What he did was, asking us to copy what he did. First he started with his hand movements that were real hilarious and said 'banshee' (idk what), and asked people at one side of theatre to follow what he did. The most stupid thing bout` it was, some auntie couldn't follow and ended up failing so the chef shouted 'AJUMMA' twice. We were suppose to like, clap for a certain times according to the rhythm and so on.. During the show, people were asked to the stage to be the wedding couple (a Caucasian and a china girl) for the banquet and they even took a picture that was shown at the last part of the show, how stupid. Of course there's some romance going on in the kitchen where a guy and girl fell in love, where by they should end up kissing each other but the guy kissed the main chef instead. Too many things to say, you should watch yourself when it comes to Singapore. 

After the Nanta show, we went back to hotel. Again after a short break of washing up we headed to Dongdaemun again. For your info, Dongdaemun opens until late at night, around 4-5am in the morning so don't go there in the morning and wonder why it's not open. This kind, there's more vendors on street, all selling clothings and accessories. Saw quite a pretty stylish cardigan but didn't managed to buy because it's too thick, what for I buy when Singapore's too hot? Tried some of their snacks again, it looked like a green pancake (circular shape), there's this red bean paste inside, well it's quite nice so you need to try if you ever see that. Had a hard time to ask for discount because of language barrier, well I'm not the one buying. Then walked around around and settled down in some small restaurant for supper. 

Steamed dumplings and tofu spicy soup for 4 people, it cost 10,000WON. Dumplings at 4000WON and soup at 6000WON, generally around SGD$11. At first I was like, "SHIT!!!" the menu's in Korean, couldn't even understand a bit until the person gave us English with Chinese version. 

And that night when I was in my room resting, this stupid fann wong came up on television. It's an Asia Song Festival but held in Korea. REALLY? FANN WONG YOU POPULAR MEH? -.-


19Sept, Wednesday
Had the same thing for breakfast again. Two slices of bread and a ham with butter and jam, and and orange juice. Did I mention their bread was awesome? It's thicker than Singapore's and tasted better, seems like everything tasted better. 

First place to visit of the day was the Cheong Gye Cheon Museum, just some Museum again, showing the history of a river in Seoul. It's actually some river in downtown that people washed their clothes or whatsoever in the past but was later covered up with concrete making it an expressway. AND THEN, restoring back to a river again, how stupid? 

This guy was briefing us bout` the past and present of this river. I don't know whether is it I'm too tired or something, my eyes were half closed during his presentation. I just felt that, Koreans speak English = lullaby. Went to checkout their museum, again I wasn't even listening. Towards the end of the museum, I found something interesting, there's this camera service that's like neoprint, you can choose the background (of the river) and take pictures as if you've been to the river. Since I'm the first to discover this machine (others were too concentrated with the museum), we were also the first to try. It was very funny and fun. 

Later, went to somewhere to have ginseng chicken soup which was said to be good for the body and Korea's ginseng has the most vitamins or whatsoever inside compared to other countries. So, having this ginseng chicken soup will help you in many ways. 

Or actually, you can drink this ginseng kind of alcohol or add into the soup and eat with the chicken, it will have the same effect. Let me tell you, don't be stupid to drink this ginseng alcohol like this without adding to the soup. It's full of ginseng smell that some people can't stand it and of course bitter like hell. Adding it into the ginseng chicken soup is a better choice. Obviously, one people has only one little cup not four. And then, this cup was only sufficient for one sip. 

Say hi to the street outside the ginseng restaurant and the orange taxi! Speaking of cab, I really want to kill them, shall elaborate later, or you can skip to, 20Feb Thursday.

So this is the river that I was talking bout earlier on. It's a very long river, there's two pathway by the side so you can choose to walk on the left/ right of the river. It seems never ending because it's very very very long that it has 22 bridges within the river so people can go over anytime. This waterall is the start of the river and if you were there and you've long hair.. The hair will fly like mad and it's quite windy.

This guy got pushed into the river by his classmates, poor thing not sure if it's punishment or something. Obviously people by the side were laughing like.. I think we only managed to walk until the third of fourth bridge, which was like not even 1/3 of the river, partly because the given time was too short. By the way, we were suppose to do some water testing at the river to test the water. I'M LIKE, HELLO I STUDY BOUT` LANDSCAPE WHY MUST I TEST THE WATER? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Somehow, managed to rest under the big bridge and use wifi, you must be thinking why was there wifi under the bridge? The amazing thing was that, there's no wifi after you left the bridge, there's only wifi when you're underneath it. More amazing thing was, wifi was very fast that it's faster than Singapore, by the way Korea has the fastest internet in the world. So, I was there using wifi, tweet and tweet and being mad bout` the stupid water testing thing. 

Went to Insadong since it's still early, it's a place with a lot of traditional houses and this was the first English dental clinic opened in traditional houses. I found it quite stupid cause` when we passed by the clinic, the windows were opened, I could see the dentist and all those machines and the dentist was drilling the teeth or whatever, it's such a distraction. What if the dentist drill wrongly? The further we walked in, the more I felt like dying because.. it's steep slopes again, it's steeper than those in SNU (Seoul National University not Singapore National University okay?). 

Was stuck at this 'street' taking pictures, I wonder what's nice to take it's just traditional houses. I didn't really go all the way down because climbing up later will be a big problem. You can't really see how steep this is unless you go there yourself. I was there, thinking when can we leave this stupid place. Until later, we were told to walk in further to a museum again. But this time, it's a smaller museum with nothing much I would say, I don't know because I didn't really go and explore I was simply too tired. 

So I was there sitting outside this traditional house, actually we could go in but lazy to take off our shoes, it's kind of like a classroom inside. I was real tired and don't felt like moving anymore even to take a picture. Just in case you can't spot me, I'm the one facing away the camera in yellow. By the way, the one in front wearing black was from the water diploma (my new friend, she's quite pathetic anyway. She lost her friend's camera in some Maxwell and.. ya know girls cry over these.. And she was left alone with the guys when her female friend only cares bout` a guy- Issac, yes the Dunearn one) The one in blue was 'ahma' and the one in red 'claudia'. Then I continued to sit there with Amy and Vivi while the rest went up to the garden, really I was too tired. 

Took bus off to another part of Insadong where there's shopping again. I cannot stand my friend being stuck inside some stupid shop that sells korean dolls, and she said it's cute. Oh gosh. And I got cheated by the staff for buying the seaweed at 15,000WON, I think there's only 25 packets and 2 slices per packet and it cost me around SGD$16. YOU FUCKING CHEAT MY MONEY IDIOT. I got myself some lemonade that's made by crushing the lemons and sprite. Bought lots of things like dust-cap and so on and then I was hella hungry, wondering when's dinner. 

Dinner was awesome if you've huge appetite, because a table for four was flooded with lots of side dishes like... 
Cucumber coated with flour and chilli kind of thing. Then there's kimchi, green chilli that's hella spicy, some weird side dishes that I don't know. Then beef, sweet sour fish that.. I prefer Singapore's. Am not going to post the pictures of the food here, it's too much to upload! HAHAHA. 


This is the bag that I bought with dasao.

Just before we enter the restaurant for our dinner, we saw this shop that sells bags at 10,000WON, around SGD$11. So my dasao and I was quite high bout` it that we went to ask the tour guide for a little bit more time just to shop outside the restaurant. Some backpack caught my eye and I was trying to look for my mum's but nothing. Was thinking bout` the backpack and suddenly I realized I ordered one from taobao, then I'm like damn sian. But still I managed to buy and got the same one as my dasao. Actually she liked the pink one so I say I'll pick the black one, but somehow black is easier to match so we got black ones. 

Again, after dinner we went back to our hotel. OBVIOUSLY, went to wash up a bit and prepared to go to Myungdong to shop again since we didn't finish our shopping the other day. Since there's no coach anymore, we had to take the subway there so we saw some of the other diploma students there and also going to the same place. They were so kind that they helped us to get our tickets and we kind of followed them to take the subway but went our own once we reached.

Their subway card. Their trip cost extremely cheap, anywhere you wanna go, no matter how far it is it's always the same fare at around 1150WON which was around.. SGD$1.20, and consists a deposit of 500WON for the card so technically one trip cause less than SGD$1 and I kept one of the card with me.

When we reached Myungdong, it was around.. 9pm plus and actually their shops close down quite early.. So we had to hurry up, was there looking for friends' presents and after a while, I saw my Forever21 that I always wanted to go in and I ended up going in angrily.. 

I told my friends I wanted to go in, for 5mins also can (since I just want to look at accessories only). My ahma and dasao said okay and they'll be shopping just outside and you guess what the immature Claudia said?

Claudia: NO! (In that kind of tone that, why should I go in when others ain't going and not like Singapore doesn't have F21.)
ME: Hello, do you know different places sells different things? (This is a fact okay, some things you can find in Korea doesn't mean you can find in Singapore and even though they're the same brand that doesn't mean that they sell the exact same things in all the countries)
Claudia: Didn't reply.
ME: Whatever I want to go in, give me five minutes. 
Claudia: She give me the huhhhhhhhhhhh sound. 

So I went in, I was damn high bout` it and I know I made the right decision for going in. WHY? Because their things are cheaper than in Singapore. MUCH MUCH MUCH CHEAPER. 


This was at 1500WON but after discount 990WON and therefore cost around SGD$1. And do you know how much this cost in Singapore? I saw something like this in Singapore's F21, it cost bout` SGD$4. DAFUQ, CHEAPER LIKE MAD RIGHT? 

This earring cost 1500WON which was like only SGD$1.60, it'll cost more than SGD$2 in Singapore. CHEAPER WHAT. So, if I didn't went in, I'll kill that Claudia. At first I thought I saw wrongly because I said I'll be back within 5mins, so I rushed out to Dasao (I knew she'll like it and go in with me) and told her that it's fucking cheap so she went in with me and we two were extremely high! Then both us were like wondering if we saw the correct price because when we calculate the price in SGD and RM it's extremely cheap. I think we spent around 10mins there wondering and finally went for payment. 

Then the friend that I made from another diploma told me that she saw a blazzer selling at around SGD$18. FUCK, DON'T YOU WANT TO GET ONE SINCE IT'S SO CHEAP? In Singapore's it will be at least SGD$40. So Dasao and I went upstairs according to that friend said but we didn't managed to find it, were extremely sad. 

While spending the time in F21, Ahma and Claudia spent around 40,000WON to 60,000WON on the branded bracelet from Italy or don't know where one. To me, it's not even nice and what for spending so much money on something that's not nice? And I managed to save lots of money just by going in F21 (see lah, see still want to stop me from going in.)

The reason why F21 was so cheap in Korea is because Korea has their own brands. 

Saw this along the Myungdong street and I was like looking for Ryeowook on behalf of yuk but he wasn't there. Not famous? HAHAHAHAHA. 

After Myungdong we took subway back to Dongdaemun (where the hotel was), I forgot whether we went to Dongdaemun to shop again, honestly can't remember. If we did, then we were just looking at clothings again. Nothing much. 


20Sept, Thursday.
It's a daejeon day. Had breakfast as usual and well.. those things since the food were the same everyday. Took a long ride to daejeon to visit the K-water thing, again benefiting the water diploma. Daejeon isn't in Seoul so it took us around two hours plus to reach there.

Ate Jajangmyun, black bean paste noodle at some restaurant that we needed to take our shoes off and sit on the cushion rather than a chair. The noodles were accompanied by fried dumplings and of course kimchi and reddish. It's very hard to the noodle because it's slippery because of the sauce and there's a story behind this. If you on a date the other party treat you to Jajangmyun means he/she doesn't like you because when you eat the noodle your whole mouth will be black because of the sauce and extremely ugly. 

My friend ordered seafood noodle and the chef was extremely generous, look at the amount of the shells. They had a hard time removed it before they start to eat. 

The place where the people monitor the dams with lots of computers per person.
Was at this K-water place, a association whereby it takes care of the water in Korea and providing good quality water for residents, not sure bout` the rest wasn't even listening. Then we had to go in their lab rooms for don't know what, before going to the lab room we had to pass through this air shower that uses air to remove the particles of your body. Amazing huh? So we just stood there and wait for the doors to close and then the 'air' helps us shower, it took around 5 seconds? Then there's this water testing for humans to drink and choose which was the best among the four. I think I picked some ground water or something compared to drain water/tap water/deep sea water. 

This tree caught my attention, just outside the K-water building. It's suppose to red due to autumn and it's really nice on the spot. I should had photoshop it to make it look nicer. Don't ask me what tree this is, I've no idea. 

Then we went to visit the stupid dam that was hell, hell adventure. Can you imagine we walked from the top of the damn to the bottom? Shall elaborate later.

I saw this before walking up the hill or whatsoever. Original picture isn't this bright, I just photoshop it to make it look brighter. Of course, it look best if you see it on site.

Before we went to the damn, we were to pass some nature walk to the top where's there's this plaza and a Museum. (woahlaoeh, museum again, seriously bueh sian?)

Took this at the top of the hill, near the plaza. Didn't edit this but it's the power of instagram. I really like this picture, such a nice landscape I would say.

Walking towards the dam that was opened only twice a year, we were surely 'lucky'. And photos were restricted, so until here. First in order to get to the dam, we walked down quite a few levels of staircases before actually going into the dam. In movies you'll see people entering into a cave like thing and it's dark and wet. After going into the 'cave', there's staircases inside which was much taller than normal ones and it's like you really have to hold on the hand rills unless you want to fall, worse when we were still going down. It's a scary experience then we went to some place that's real noisy and I wasn't even paying attention. Until we exit the place, then I felt peace, because the place was so scary that I thought I wouldn't be able to leave. 

Since we were at Daejeon, very far from Seoul, on the way back I was so hungry that.. finally they stopped at some station where there's food. 


There's burger, noodles, 'economic rice' there. The economic rice I'm referring to was, you just queue there and move along with the flow taking whatever dish you want to eat just like the Ikea's cafe. So I ended up picking these. You must be wondering, why I took kimchi, it's like I ate it everyday, every meal (except breakfast), why would I still want to take kimchi? Because nothing looks appealing to me, if I just take the sausage it looked too weird. Guess how much this cost? 4000WON, SGD$4.50

Bought this oreo/cookie and cream ice-cream since we saw other people having it. This cost, 3000WON, SGD$3.50. That uncle gave me quite a lot so I was damn happy. 

The tour guide was playing some k-pop songs while, on the way back to Seoul and suddenly FT.ISLAND appeared! OBVIOUSLY I WAS SUPER HIGH AND SHOCKED. So I turned to Dasao and keep high-five with her (she like the song severely too). So I was listening to hongki and eating my ice-cream. Caught some sleep before arriving Seoul, the coach stopped at Myungdong since some people want to go shopping there. But however, for us we were sicked of Myungdong but nevertheless we alighted there and.. guess where we go? 


We took subway to Gangnam, it was real far from Myungdong that we had to change line somewhere. Because Gangnam is located at the South of Seoul and we were at the North of Seoul and North South Seoul was separated by the Hangang river, you say far or not?

Typical street at Gangnam, actually there's lots of people there just managed to get a picture of lesser people. Gangnam is like our Orchard road with more 'decent' buildings. We were all like 'woah' because it looked real different from Dongdaemun and Myungdong.

The girls got killed by this and eventually some of us got a few of these. 
But I didn't, I think I passed the age to buy toys, not like they ain't cute, I just don't feel like buying toys already. 

Bought these at the shop (above), cost me around.. 11,000WON along with a coin pouch. 

Green tea fratte, vanilla latte, ice chocolate and ..

Looking for cafe at Gangnam wasn't easy, it was either flooded by people or there wasn't enough seats for six people. Finally settled in Leina cafe after a long walk ordered drinks after much difficulty most due to language barrier. (Seriously, I felt that having ice chocolate in a cafe was stupid unless it's a hot one, I felt that only kids will drink this. Obviously, I'm not the one who ordered this.) By the way, my vanilla latte cost around 7500WON, Almost SGD$8, not really worth it, but the price were higher if you're at Gangnam. 

Chocolate cake shared with Claudia.

They even decorated the plate, which you don't normally see this in Singapore unless you're in high class restaurants. Cake cost around 7000WON, SGD$7.50. Expensive I must say, just a bit higher than in Singapore.

Wifi in Korea isn't a joke, look at the list of wifi in Gangnam. There's really a lot. Best thing bout` Korea is their ultra fast wifi and available almost everywhere. After slacking at Leina cafe, we decided to visit Itaewon because the subway's closing down (actually we don't know the exact time), so we tried to get cab from the main street. We stood there like idiots for around 10minutes and no cab wanted to stop and earn money from us. To the extent that we had to keep going 'up' and my friend Vivi even took out a 5000WON cash to flag for cab, but still no cab wanted to stop. We actually wasted like 20minutes there and we decided to take subway later.

Empty subway at around 11pm.

Was on the way to somewhere else and we did something so funny. Because we don't really know what's the time for the last train service so when we were leaving from Gangnam by subway, we ran from the ticket station to the subway train there and their subway stations were no joke. Some were very far, and some stations have lots of different lines so you've to be careful but don't be afraid there's English and Chinese on the signs. We felt like being in running man where we ran at full speed to the another part of the station cause` we had to change line, really running like... we were the only ones running, a bit stupid I know, but it's fun.

So we were here at Itaewon. Basically, it's a town with a lot of 'ang-mohs'. 

Typical street of Itaewon. 

Girls if you're going to Itaewon, especially when there's no guys accompanying, you've to be careful. We felt that sense of dangerous when we were roaming around the street and it felt like there's no decent people. By the way, for your info Itaewon was flooded with pubs, yes pubs! So no decent people? All of us were quite afraid since there's no guys with us and it's passed midnight, everywhere's pubs, oh gosh. Then again, we were quite brave to be outside with no guys, walking around like nobody's business. Again, searching for a cafe to rest, my friend was asking a stranger for a cafe and guess where the stranger brought us to? HE BROUGHT US TO A PUB CAFE. That's why I say it's dangerous. 


Some alerting device to tell you your drink's done.

Finally settled down at Cafe Bene and slack again. Although we were at some place with light, we still had that dangerous feeling and I wanted to leave the place as soon as possible.

Bought this don't know what, lime non-alcoholic drink. I forgot the name and I remembered the name was so hard to pronounce that I had difficulty ordering. I even forgot the price! Obviously it cost less than 8000WON. It's just some lime water with soda? I don't know, but it's awesome.

On the way back to hotel...
Since the subway's closed by the time we left Cafe Beme, we had no choice but to take cab. So we asked the Cafe's owner for directions and pronunciation of our hotel address and he was so kind to actually tell us even though he doesn't know English. (What am I saying?). So again, taking cab wasn't easy as said by the owner especially at this time, we almost wanted to go to the police station for help. HAHAHAHA.

So we stood along the roadside, hoping for a cab to stop by. There's this black cab that looked premium stopped by for another person just before us and there we were praying that the driver won't pick up the fellow. Indeed he didn't pick up that fellow and stopped for us. I think the driver didn't really wanted to pick us after knowing our location but still asked us to get into the cab. By the way the driver was an uncle in his 50s, I think he saw us (all girls) outside the street like very dangerous for us so he stopped by for us. On the way back to the hotel, it was super hilarious, the uncle asked whether we our in University and we answered, YESSSSSSSS! Then he also asked which idol we liked the most, so we answered BIG BANG. Guess what he did? He played Big Bang's Haru Haru and turned the small little cab into a mini nightclub (because of the lighting). He even sang, danced and moved to the beat with us, really awesome uncle. Kind of like being thankful to him, otherwise I don't know what time we'll reach hotel. After reaching the hotel, Claudia and I were walking towards G25 (something like 7-11) and the uncle waved at us again, what a kind driver. By the way, the uncle was dressed up like in black attire with a black hat like some pilot. 


It's a variety shows where men do certain missions that they should do. Caught my attention because of their previous choir missions like they took part in Choir. And this guy on TV was the previous choir instructor and also the cast of the variety show. And right now, they're auditioning for another choir mission! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, my starhub doesn't have KBS anymore so I can't watch it with English sub-titles plus there isn't any English subbed videos of the show online. I CAN DIE SIA.

Was packing my luggage since it's already the last night. See it's filled with a lot of things. Then again, I'm the one that bought the most things.


These are things that I bought while I'm in Korea. Actually it should include a chiffon top and a black bag but I was so lazy to get out of bed just to get those two things. Quite little actually. 
Albums, maggiee mee, accessories and seaweed.

That very night, I slept at around 5am in the morning. By the time I finished packing it was like 3am plus then we were singing in the room, like mini k-box until bout` 4am plus. Tried to sleep after that but I couldn't because Claudia was snoring like.... I didn't know if I snored or whatever, snoring isn't a crime and can't be controlled but it's annoying. So I turned and turned until around 5am. 


21Sept, Friday
Woke up, wash up, pack things for the final time and went down for breakfast like usual. 

One last look at the room and we went lobby to check out. Got on the coach to Namsam park where the Seoul tower is. 

Got a gift from the tourism organisation, it's actually Korean utensils inside. Plus I haven't use it even when I reach Singapore, don't think I've the plans to.

Saw Park Ji Sung on the bus. Don't really know what's the poster trying to say though, just anyhow snap picture. By the way I saw this halfway on the Namsam Park. 

On the way up to the top of Namsam since the bus cannot go all the way up. Taking pictures, enjoying the walk and air. 

The Namsam tower without haze. When we first reached the place, it was covered with haze that we couldn't see much, including the tower and by right we can see the buildings from the top, but.. stupid haze.

Lovers lock at Namsam. The whole thing was flooded with locks and locks. I wanted to put one there, but seems like you've to buy the lock yourself or whatever. Didn't see anyone selling locks there.

THEN WE WENT TO THE BEAR MUSEUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only managed to tour at the traditional part but not the present part. the bears were extremely cute! Totally captivated by them.

Poor hard labour bears... How can they look so cute even though they're chopping things? How did they make those bears....... with those costumes..

Personally, I like this, I don't know why. Is it Korea the only place with bear Museum that tells the story of the country? The whole tour in the Bear museum, everyone's like SOOOOO CUTE! Don't know how many museums I've been to during this trip, but this was the best.

Saw this bridge will a lot of vandalism, and then I was like can I vandalize too? And I actually did, just anyhow write anything there. HAHAHAHAHA.

Typical street at Sinchon.

Was here doing shopping, this place was quite near to a very nice women Univeristy, if I'm not wrong it's the Yonsei University the University that represents the female with beauty and intelligence. 

Leaving Seoul for Incheon, it's time to get home. 

On the way to lunch somewhere near the airport and also the place where we ate our Udon when we first arrived Korea.

Lunch with chicken ? Vegetables..

Didn't really eat much here because I don't really feel like eating and it doesn't look like it taste nice either so I just ate a bit of rice hoping to get some food at airport.

Reached the airport.. 

Felt kind of like sian already, suddenly don't feel like going home anymore. This always happens when I'm on a trip. Felt like going home when I just arrived and don't felt like going home when it's time to. When we reached airport, we were sitting there opening our luggage to those last minute shopping things inside. 

Something stupid happened. 
At the custom when entering the departure hall, we had to let them check our things and so on right.. Apparently when I stepped into the 'gate' thingy, I don't know what happened that I need a female officer to do a body-check on me and it was the first time that happened on me. Suddenly, I was there wondering what I did wrong, how stupid.

Ate too little for lunch and now I'm having muffin. 
For your info, Incheon International Airport is the first airport in the WORLD. And I'm truly disappointed with it. 
Once we entered the departure hall, the airport's like one whole stretch of cosmetic shops that there's nothing like cafe or something else. I was so hungry that.. when I looked at the map of the airport there's no cafe, most of the cafe or restaurant were outside the departure hall. I'm like, 'how can this be?'. Then we had no choice but to sit at smoothie king where I had muffin and some peach blooming yoghurt/ice blended thing that tasted like the one in coffee bean. So I treated them drinks since I wanted to spend all my korean money. 
By the way, waiting for luggage at IIA was the best, by the time you cleared the customs and walked to the belt, your luggage's already there.

I was mad at Idris cause` we arrived at the airport too early that we had more than 2 hours to slack before the flight. We just sat there, use the wifi... and walked around. 

Don't buy anything at their airport because it cost at least double the price outside. Plus the prices in the airport were tax-free, and.. how can this be..

Do you like the airplane colour? I don't really like it.. The blue is such an awkward blue, and it looked so ugly because of the blue. But the sky was so nice.. 

Shitttttttt. Even Korea's sunset looked so much nicer than the one in Singapore. Isn't it? The sunset in the image doesn't look that nice, but.. the original's better.

The interior of the airplane. Again, the plane flying back home was a, 3-3-3 seat plan. I'm so going to hate this kind of plan in the future. 

Some random look at the sky, taken via the airplane's window. Thank god we came in early and managed to get quite a few pictures before 'strangers' came in.

White wine on the way back home, one sip and immediately my face went hot. One shot and my whole body's burning and my face was ultra red. I'm a noobie.

Dinner provided by the plane. Wedges, meat, broccoli and carrots. It's been a long time since I had wedges and their wedges were awesome along with the carrots. 

Surprise ice-cream dessert that came later, when I almost finished my dinner. Some raspberry flavour, giving a plus point to them because of the ice-cream.

Guess, I'm just too hungry. There's tofu made of soy bean, the wedges etc etc and bread. Awesome dinner, better than some stupid chicken set that I ate on the flight to Incheon. Was watching.. Avengers as suggested by Wuli while having dinner and caught a bit of Snow white. 

Something bout` the airplane, it's the tablet screen that has this function to show you where you are even you're in the air. But then again.. their screen was so hard to use.

Pizza that came at around 10pm plus as supper I guess? Even the pizza taste good to me, is it because it's been a long time since I had pizza?

Yep, that's it... Then I arrived in Singapore. I saw Joey Tan when I was at the Singapore custom, and then realized that we caught the same flight. She actually went Seoul a day after me but came back at the same time, such fate. Then, brother came to fetch me and took quite a long time to find him, went to burger king to get his 'dinner' before going home. By the way, cab fare from airport to my house was like.. less than SGD$40, at midnight somemore.

Then I was, home sweet home, realizing how good my bed was.


Some things to take note when you're in Korea.
1. There's hardly any dustbins along the streets. 
It's hard to find bins to throw away your stuff, so keep waste to a minimum. It's not like in Singapore that you can see bins everywhere. 

2. Koreans are kind of rude.
When I was there, I got bumped into several times and I'm sure they're koreans and they don't apologize. So when you're there, just bump them as many times as you like. 

3. Keep chinese to a minimum. 
Speak English instead although they don't understand. But they kind of like dislike the Chinese (from China), they assume you're from China because you speak Chinese then they'll just stare at you when you're inside the shop, follow you everywhere when you're inside. 

4. Kimchi's everywhere.
Kimchi's their side dish, no matter what you eat there's always kimchi. You'll see until you're sian with it.

5. Seoul isn't that perfect that you see in dramas or whatever you imagined.
Their buildings isn't well furnished like what we had in Singapore. It's much more like in Malaysia where their buildings looked like they're rotting. 

6. Don't eat in the subway.
Even though you see people eating, but that's against.. 

7. There's a lot of slopes, staircases. 
Don't be shocked at the distance you've to walk or the slopes and staircases. Especially when you're in the subway stations, walking from one line to another or to the exit it's horrible. Because there's always going to be a long distance walk and lots of staircase even after you exit the station. That's why koreans are so skinny. 

8. Nothing else?

9. Call them Unni/Oppa if you want discount for clothings!
Yes, you ask for discounts but don't be unreasonable. Calling them Unni/Oppa kind of like make them happier so more discounts, but most likely only 80%-90%.

Personally, I felt that Seoul is a safe country but sometimes weird people can appear. If you don't understand what they're trying to say then guess. Especially when you're ordering something, using English won't be a problem since all their menu's are in English.

Our tour guide for five days. I believe she's in her 30s almost 40s.. She's very very very very very very kind and helped us a lot, telling us the directions for different shopping districts and helping us with the food and so on.

The driver for five days, such a poor thing that he had to help us with our luggage and actually he doesn't look like a Korean but a Japanese. By the way, they drivers wear white gloves, so funnyyyyy.


Our hotel room, 610. I think I should buy 4d, 0610. At first we were kind of stupid, or perhaps we were used to open the door inwards. We couldn't open the on the first day and then.. we realized the door swings outwards.

What do you call this.. Lots of shoes there and their entrance is so small still they had a mini kitchen there. Didn't had the chance to cook there though.

The toilet was extremely small and I don't get the stupid mirror there. It's so narrow, and what can you see... By the way the toilet.. it's like when you shower the whole toilet will get wet, oh faints.

Their very small lobby/reception. There's a very cute guy working there everytime I saw him he's always one night shift. I think he got annoyed by me because of the stupid adapter thing that I talked to him for 3 times asking stupid questions because of my friends. 

The place where we had our dinner with the same menu for five days, you not sian I also sian. And the stupid Ajumma who called us babo because of the stupid signature.

One stupid corner for computer with internet usage. I felt that this area was so redundant.. It's just wasting space only. 


During this trip.. there wasn't a day that I wasn't angry with my friends. I guess it's because I don't really know them. 

I don't get why they took so long to prepare, since they need so long to prepare before leaving, why can't they wake up earlier to prepare instead of making people wait in their room like some.. 

I can't stand all your complains, you said your skin was too dry yet you put plaster? DAFUQ, was this even the correct way to do? I don't think so please. Only you had this stupid skin problem, I don't even have it when I sleep in the same room as you, eat whatever you ate, under the same weather as you. Oh gosh. I can't stand how immature your thinking was.. I really hate fashion disaster, although I have it but I'm at home or just going downstairs for a while. You're in a korea, I just felt that you should dress up yourself properly and try to fit into the place not wearing clothes like some 10 year old wear, especially that jacket at your waist. I was utterly shocked at it. 

Hello, I'm not even your maid that had to help you take things or in charge of your stupid water. It's your choice to bring that stupid bag which I felt that there's no fashion sense. You wear until so nice and you use an ugly bag, oh gosh? You wanted your picture to be slim and so on, so I tried my best to make it look slim but with your stupid bag the fashion sense's gone. If you're going to bring your camera out and you have the camera bag, I don't see why you have to put camera into your ugly bag and can't put your bottle in. It's not like it will leak or something and you asked me to be in charged of helping you carrying your water bottle? AM I YOUR FUCKING MAID OR WHATSOEVER? Don't think you're older than me and I'm super naive that you can treat me like this. Yes I can help you take your bottle, but what's with, " ni bang wo na shui hu, bang wo fu ze" (help me take the bottle, and take in charge of it).  DAFUQ SIA, you like that say, as if I must really help you take charge? And when I was trying to return you, I said " I don't want to help you take" YOU MUST BE KNOWING THAT I'M A BIT ANGRY BOUT` IT, and what did you say? "bu yao jiu bu yao lah". DAFUQ SIA. WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS THIS. I'M NOT YOUR PERSONAL MAID PLEASE. Like that, how to be not angry and give that ffffffffffffff face? PLEASE LO, YOU COME THAT THING THEN I MUST HELP YOU LAH? COME THAT THING CANNOT TAKE BOTTLE MEH? YOU TELL ME YOU STOMACH PAIN WANT TO REST THEN I CAN ACCEPT LAH. -.- Why don't you ask others to help you take, why ask me? Apparently, I'm best to be bullied by you all. Always asking me to do things like you all don't have hands. Please, I need my hands too, is it yours are too precious? BULLSHIT LAH PLEASE. And you think you're my ahma then I really should listen to you? OH GOSH. I can't even remember what I asked you to help me. YEA YEA YEA, now you make me think of... always asking us to help you with your project on the day of submission, doing powerpoint and so on. FUCK SIA, NEXT TIME DO IT YOURSELF, I'M NOT GOING TO HELP.

It wasn't that happy afterall. 

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