Saturday, September 8, 2012



Updating once a week is the trend.
My trend.

Recent my top most concern issue is well issue.
I cannot understand why females are born to have this.
And poor thing, it's once a month.
The only way that girls can stop having was what? Menopause?
Why am I concerned? Because I'm going overseas!
And I'll die if it strike when I'm away and I'll die badly.
I just want to ask why it's late and so on.
If it's not late, I won't have so many worries bout` it to the extent that I can't sleep well.
And my brain couldn't stop thinking bout` it.
Visit me NOW, please?
I know I sound weird, but.. it's my main concern now.
Girls will understand, not the guys.

Time files huh? Only you realize it later but not before.
Okay, so what I'm going to say next is...
It's bout` a week before I board plane to Korea! Excited? NO!
Q:Why am I not excited?
A1. My aunt hasn't visit me as much as I wanted her to, my main concern.
A2. There's no shopping stops, you believe?
A3. The whole thing is so boring.
A4. The pairing for rooms are stupid.
A5. I don't want to wear long pants.
A6. I don't think I have enough clothes.
A7. The schedule sucks
A8. I'm not going with my closet friends but friends with 1year +bonding.
A9. The luggage is too big, I don't like big ones.
A10. I don't know how to come back from airport.
A11. Still thinking.
A12. Not enough time to shop?
A13. I can't be myself.
A14. There's this stupid photo-taking thingy that everyone has to do.
A15. Seems like it's very troublesome.

A1: My aunt hasn't visit me as much as I wanted her to, my main concern.
Only girls will understand... Obviously, I mentioned bout` it in the earlier part. Visit me please?

A2: There's no stopping stops, you believe?
A12: No enough time to shop?
Obviously I don't believe! I've been to so many overseas trips that's for educational purposes. Even if I were to go Malaysia, there'll be shopping time! How can there be no shopping time in Korea, outrageous!

A3: The whole thing is so boring.
A7: The schedule sucks
Going overseas, you want to have fun right but look at my schedule. Sometimes it's packed and sometime's it's not. I really don't know how they plan the thing.

A4: The pairing for rooms are stupid.
A8: I'm not going with my closet friends but friends with 1year +bonding.
A13 I can't be myself.
They pair us to people who we don't know, how can people sleep with people that they don't know? I'm the lucky one, my friend got paired to someone we don't know. How is that possible, can't they use their brains? Going overseas and somewhere so far, the furthest that I'll have with friends that you know for only 1 year plus. There's nothing to wrong with it, just that I don't know their habits and once you go overseas with people, you can know how this person's like. I can't be myself, I don't know, just a feeling.

A5: I don't want to wear long pants.
A6: I don't think I have enough clothes
Personally, I think I looked weird with long pants, very weird I dare say. That's why I seldom wear them and only if I really need to. I really don't want to wear them and I don't think it will be so cold in the day that I need them. I really think that I don't have enough clothes, actually I do have a lot. But I don't have those clothes that are off more to Korean style or whatsoever. Do you want to be in Korea letting people know you're a tourist in terms of what you wear and they will want to rob you? No right! You want to fit into that country don't you?

A9: The luggage is too big, I don't like big ones.
A10: I don't know how to come back from airport.
Who likes to go around with a luggage and worse, a large version of it? I always think that going overseas, it's best that you packed the least that you can! You don't want to carry a 15kg luggage everywhere enough though you can "pull" it right. Yes, the bigger you get, the more that you can buy and bring it back home, but it's so troublesome. It's not like I don't know where's the airport and my house, obviously I know how to get home. But by the time that I reached Singapore it's already past midnight that the MRT doesn't operate anymore. The second choice is to take a cab home and spend around $100 just for the fare, is it this expensive? I don't know. And worse, my mother wants to fetch me from the airport and she's got to work tomorrow. You bear to see her sleeping at around 3-4am and and go to work? FYI, my mum has to wake up around 3-4am to wash clothes, so I mean she don't even get to sleep, I surely don't want that. I'm thinking whether should I lie bout` taking a cab home with a friend but in fact I'm actually alone. I need to think, because I'm quite scared actually.

A14: There's this stupid photo-taking thingy that everyone has to do.
A15: Seems like it's very troublesome.
I know.. Going overseas obviously you've to take pictures but why must we take part in some kind of competition that makes it compulsory for everyone to have pictures? I don't really take pictures when I'm holiday, I'm busy with shopping and everything else. Obviously it's so troublesome when you need to take pictures, because you've to pause or get it real fast before people's leaving. Sometimes it's worse when you've to wait for strangers to move away so that you can get a perfect one. Stupid? Yes.

I know I'm always being naggy and all.
But well, at least I updated.
It may not be an issue that's concerning you but I love to say whatever I want.
And I'll try to update before I leave.

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