Sunday, July 1, 2012


Almost a week without a proper update.

First week of school was horrible and very tiring.
There's so much things needed to be done and the lecturers are being assholes.
Yes they are.

Consultations take forever and it always change everytime to the extent you don't know who to listen to. If you didn't do as one of them said, you'll die during presentation. Apparently, all the designs we have, they won't like it or they're not convinced. Going to school, facing them is a torture.

I don't know how to survive this.
Seriously, I could had finished more than what I've now, by Wednesday.
Right now, I don't feel like doing anything.
Worst, I don't feel like going to school.

I just got a new lecturer, and I dislike him.
Because he deducts overall percentage of marks if we use phone, skip lesson, being late.
How stupid can things go to?
Does the school even approve this method of yours?
Another blockhead lecturer.
I bet you ain't a lecturer before and you don't know how Singapore teens work.
It's not like, he's deducting a bit of the marks.
It's 5% per usage of phone. 15% per lesson late/skipped.
Go and die please.


Through out this week, I was in a really bad mood.
Or rather, I kept having headaches. Those severe ones.
Yes, school is so stressful and to one point that I thought I'm really dying.
Going straight home everyday and do work, occupied with work during weekends.
Oh well, why can't things just get better?
Why does it have to be worse.
I really can't understand.


Filled with anger, frustration and many else.

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