Monday, June 25, 2012

Hi school.


First day of school is always the lousiest and worst day ever.
Nothing you do can cheer you up.

On the way to school, spent a long time waiting for bus and the bus driver was a horrible person. Lots of people board on the bus before and there's lots of students thus resulting the bus to be packed, full. The bus didn't stop for a few stops because the bus's full and when it reached Teck Whye, most of the PJ and TWSS alighted, leaving behind the CCK and others.

At that bus stop, there's lots of people wanting to board bus.
Many alighted, it's still packed or something.
Then the driver shouted, "if you don't move inside, I'll delay the time and you'll be late for school!".
Seriously... Since when has bus services become.. Ever since after Alex Ong?
Since my school started early and it's the first day..
My mood was solely depended on the travel journey.
If I waited too long, I get angry.
If people pushed me, I give face.
If people lean against the pole, I tweet bout` it.
But, if people are "behaving" well, I'll be enjoying the journey right..

Because of the long wait at my bus stop, I thought I was going to be late.
In the end, I was later than usual.
V said "hi" to me and I literally ignored her.
(V= that stupid indian girl, who didn't pay me for getting her M&M  in year1.)
I think I entered the class with black face because the weather suck and I sweat like madness.
The whole morning was doing detailing in autocad from lecturer's drawings.
Yes, I was dying, to the extent that I whined a lot on twitter.
Whatever. Thank god my friend helped me.

Had consultation this afternoon and to my surprise..
Lecturer didn't really "scold" many things bout` my drawings and I'm like, "what, you lazy? Or you gave up on me?". Alright, perhaps she's in a good mood so she's being kind to me but she wasn't to my other friend. So, I finalized my layout, and I got no idea what to do next. Seems like there's tons need to be done. Well, first week only, shall slack first.

Spent the afternoon lesson writing some stupid script.
Because we were doing role plays.
Stupid huh?
This was what I'm best at, really.
If I can't be an architect, I'll go for jobs that answer calls from customers.
Left school late and reached home late.
So, I slack and slack, watched by shows but I didn't laughed at any.
Don't know why I'm really unhappy or whatever.


Time for ranting..

During the holidays, there's no one I can ask bout` project until I saw facebook, V went to the site so I wanted to ask her one question which was .. "how many trees are there in the plot?".
So, I got my answer.
After that day, she kept asking me questions bout` the dimensions. I pitied her, so I answered her a few times but as she asked more and more, I find her irritating. Because all the answers she wanted can be solved if she print the drawing in school, and she didn't and drew manually.

Alright, can't blame her for that since her groupmates suck.
But then again, I believe being 18, she knows that she can print directly in school.
But she didn't.
So should I pity her or what? NO. 

Come to think of it, when we were in year1, she's the most popular student in class, for real. But suddenly, everyone started to hate her to the extent that she couldn't find a clique in class, she goes home alone, she doesn't have a friend.

Quite poor thing right? NO.
Since she's popular, she thinks she has a lot of friends, but no.
You've to know which are the ones that are your friends and those we are just classmates.
Somehow, her poor attitude led her to this circumstances.
So blame who but herself?

Remembering that I had a BBQ with the class, she didn't even attend.
It's not that she wasn't invited to the gathering, she just didn't want to come I suppose.
WHY? Because she doesn't have friends. If she came, she'll be alone.
Well, who else to blame but herself?
Poor thing? Pity her? NO MORE. 
I was so evil to the extent that ...
Since she doesn't have friends and afternoon's lesson requires pairwork, so " she's alone".
She texted me and I asked if she could pair up with me, I literally shouted "wtf".
I assumed she heard me because she sent a message "if you don't want, nevermind".
WTF? Is there such person on earth? Ya, she.
Then I told her that I've partner and she replied okay as "okau".
WTF? Purposely? I'm not her friend from the start, so it's alright.
I won't pity her anymore.
Conclusion, not everyone is worth your concern and teaching what desperate actually means.


Recently there's this director award given out.
So, guy I came around my sitting are and asked if anyone else got the award. Since the award was given to three person, and one of my friend got it, there's one more right. So guy I was in search for the third person, so all my friends started to check their school email.

And spot on, another friend of mine got it.
Then I'm like, it's based on academic performance..
Then why I had the same GPA as my friend and I didn't get it?
Seriously. Director don't like me? Alright.

Conclusion, guy I likes to show off and I'm sad because I don't get the award.

Discovered that my lecturer, new one, he's so lame.
I updated my facebook status with something that said I've to redo everything.
Then he came and comment.
Alright, as a lecturer showing concern but it's too funny to the extent that I don't know what to reply.

First day of school and there's so many things going on.
Seems like the rest of the term will be a hard one.
Harder to survive.
Let me die please.

OH! I'm such a poor thing today that I didn't even touched a grain of rice.
Sounds weird.
I didn't had any proper meal but breads for the whole day.
Cool right, I know.
There's going to be more days like this in the future.
So stomach, don't protest, I'll still feed you but the same thing for the whole day.

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