Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm back.


Helloooooooooo, nobody's here. 
Well, it's time for some update.
If I don't update now then I won't have time to until submission close.


I'm singing my blues. 
Nothing much happened in school.
Maybe because I can't recall anything, I really can't.
OH, I'm going to rant bout` Monday later (at the end of the post).
I think school was alright.
Was able to leave school early because last lesson ended very early.
Rushed off to Woodlands yet ....
Somehow, met Hwee and Lili there.
I had my cheese-cake and peach ice blended @ Coffee Bean.
Been a long time I can spend time, leisurely in coffee house.


(Is there even lesson?)
Honestly, I cannot remember anything.
Had our very first planting lecture in year2.
I know it's 4th week of school? But I just had my first lecture of a module!
Cannot remember what I did in class.
Just that I went off early while my groupmates are going crazy.
Caught Avengers with Yuk @ Lot1.
It was real cool with all the action stuff. But in the end, I think it's IronMan who saved the day.
Not bad at all, but two hours plus is too much.
Had dinner @ KFC then went to "police station" where police really existed. 


Didn't have any school that day but guess what? I woke up at eight and I couldn't sleep any further. So I ended up catching shows that I missed while I'm in school. Had some lunch alone in foodcourt and I can't help but to be alone. Oh, the feeling of eating alone suck a lot. Decided to go for some running in the evening when the rain just stopped. So, while I was running, the wind was super good though I sweated like... In the end, because I was "too hungry" after running, I think I ate a little too much. I'm thinking I actually wasted my run. 

To think that I won't have any muscle aches.
I was absolutely wrong.


It's Vampire Diaries Season Finale!
I'm so going to catch it tomorrow night or Saturday morning.
I wonder who's going to die. 

Was always early for school, seems like I cannot get my timing right. I actually reached school at around 740 when my lesson starts at 830. Worst still, I already left home later than usual. I thought I was in the wrong place because my friend was at botanic garden. I don't know why I suddenly have the feeling that "there's activity @ Botanic garden" so I panic and texted my friends like some retard.

Thursday's lecture was hell, for sure.
I was there with my iTouch, refreshing twitter like crazy.
When it's time to do work, I'm stunned at the things that we need to do.
Somehow we held a long meeting (hate it) before going consultation.
The thing is... The consultation was useless. 
Throughout this whole time, my brain just can't stop thinking bout` food.

The whole afternoon was crazy because I kept using my brain to the extent that it's bursting. Suddenly there's just so much things to do and I don't think I can handle it. Right, again, so many things to do, this applies when you're in some stupid design course. Seems like my lecturers like to give last minute work too, and the whole group just went boom.

Yes, it's hard and "normal" people won't understand. By normal I mean, those not in design course (likewise, I'll never be able to understand others). The feeling of work keep rushing down like a waterfall where the energy seems so high that the work keep pushing you down and all you get is pressure and no work done. Till now, there's still so much to be done, no one can cover other people's work and everyone has to work diligently. Design course is a killer but I think my group, we'll pull through.

(Once again, we're going to show other people how awesome we are with our work. Especially to those arrogant people who only share things among themselves and treats the whole class like enemies.) LAME. 

On Monday, I was supposed to meet a "little girl" to collect my headband that I ordered online. At first, I felt apologetic to her because I kept changing the "meeting time". That day I was early so I walked around the mall like some crazy idiot. I went to uniqlo(?) and saw some shorts that I wanted to buy but because I didn't bring enough money out, I just dropped the thought of it. (I do have enough money for the shorts, but if I buy it then I won't be able to pay for headband). When five came, that girl told me she'll be late and will only reach at bout` 530, so I said okay. Then I continued to shop in the mall until bout` 510-515, that girl told me she can't meet because of school. Right now, I'm like "what the fuck", so I canceled my order. Then I've the money to buy the shorts! So I went back to the retail and find it but .........

The short's gone.

The color that I wanted don't have my size (originally it does).
Yet other color has my size but I don't like the color.
Again, I'm like "what the fuck".
So, I went out unhappily and passed by CoffeeBean.
"It's been a long time that I spend money on coffee"
So I went to order peach ice blended from them.
"Since I've more money today, maybe I should get cheesecake". 
Then, I added cheesecake to the bill.
In the end I'm like some "happy girl".

The time I feared has come. 
I've no more power left to survive this. 
Neither is my will great enough. 
I'll be sired to anyone and I won't be able to act on my own anymore.

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