Saturday, May 12, 2012


I'm back. 


Skipped morning's lesson but I went to school at the same time (8plus). Decided to get Mac's breakfast since I'm sick of Mr Bean. Without breakfast, I'm like "can faint anytime". But, I can't enjoy the breakfast like I could while working on the group project. Yes, there's still a long way to go before finishing line.

Spent the morning dealing with plants and trees, their growing conditions and all those shit. Just to determine that it can grow on rooftop and it's suitable for the place. Yes, it sounded stupid but it's real important otherwise the building will collapse.

Who in the world likes lecture?
If it's in a lecture hall, then I won't mind at all. Because, there's many people and it's easier to "sleep without getting caught". But for my course, it's 3x people and the lecturer's so soft. Worst still, talking the arts of the BC and AC period. Totally not listening but playing with my iTouch.

Cannot remember what else really happened.
All I can remember was, I left early and made me group work while I have fun.
Kind of like feeling guilty but once/twice will be okay right?
Rushed to the train in order to reach Woodlands faster.
In the end, I was the second to reach.
Texas family feast isn't awesome and I want my root beer float.
Stayed at Coffee Bean like ...
While, I enjoy my cheesecake, the rest were talking bout` cars or documentary.
Worst still, I got so bored till I kept looking at my hair.
Yet, Hwee cannot understand supply/demand/price.
Yuk and Lili were like going to faint while explaining to her.
I wonder when I can finish the whole cheesecake.
I always get sick while having 5/6 of it.
The rest will just help me finish the 1/6.
The ride home was epic.
Somehow, Hwee became a good person by giving elderly a seat.

Got home and immediately I got myself "washed up".
It's time for Vampire diaries.
I'm so going to type my views of it.
Because I'm so excited but I feel that the finale isn't that good but it's epic, like always. Lots of people died in this season and I'm really depressed bout` it. Somehow, they're all good people who don't really deserve to die and worse, viewers won't get to see them again. So the ending was, Elena wanted Stefan to save Matt first but he was too late to save Elena (no idea whether Matt's alive). As people thought Elena going to die, she came back alive, in transition to a vampire. Why is she in transition? Before she died, she was admitted to hospital with severe injuries so doctor Meredith gave her vampire blood to heal quickly. When Elena died in the sea, she died with vampire blood in her system, that makes her in transition when she wakes up.

What's more interesting is that. Because she's in transition, she'll remember the parts where Damon compelled her to forget. Then she'll realized that she met Damon first rather than Stefan so the love triangle continues.

Elena's suppose to choose Stefan/Damon. In end she chose Stefan (before she dies), she told Damon the reason she couldn't choose him because she met Stefan first. In fact, after being a vampire she'll realized she met Damon first, wondering who's she's going to choose next.

With the the big villain alive, what's going to happen to those who are alive? Who's going to help Bonnie who went crazy and what will Caroline feel when she realized Tyler is Klaus. I'm dying to watch season 4 but it isn't going to air that soon.

I think I should read the book soon to get an idea what's going to happen.
By the way, the last second of the season finale, is the same as ...
the last second of breaking dawn part1.
Female leads woke up on a "table" with vampire life awaiting them.


Did nothing much but caught up with the drama I missed during the weekdays.
Went for running to burn calories in the evening.
The feeling of sweating was great. 
But my muscles went ...
Then, I found out that my toe was bleeding.
Then, I couldn't finish my dinner.
And I'm like going to faint anytime.

You realize how you really feel, that's when I've to leave.
The need to convince myself that I'll be okay, I'll survive.
May I leave for good and never go back. 

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