Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Previously I mentioned Soya bean milk with a pancake is only $2.40 at SP. But now, I'm wrong, this "promotion" is at everywhere just that I didn't see it outside until Monday. I think I'm too stupid to think that it's only available in SP.

(Suddenly, I couldn't remember what day today is -_-)

I forgot how I spent my Sunday. 
Must be another boring day with myself at home.

I really hate Monday.
I'm singing my blues.
Did some photoshop learning that day and it was hell. It's not that I'm slow/cannot follow/don't understand, it's because I was moving around helping others with their photoshop.
But then, I regretted helping one person.
Her nickname is "two eyes" and she's irritating.
I actually helped her cropped out the human so that when you copy paste the image, the white background won't appear (Just the human body copied without the plain background). I find the process irritating and I hate to do it again but I've to help her because part of the human went "missing".

Then there's this project review done based on CADP (computer module), so we went around the whole studio while the lecturers made their remarks based on presentation of the group work, group by group. As expected, that arrogant group has lots of "problems" (serves you right). From what they said my group did the best (obviously, I made those "posters" though I didn't draw them). Then I looked at the faces of the arrogant group, I totally want to slap them. 

Had telephone roleplay thing in the late afternoon and I felt so stupid.
Rushed off to BPP to meet Lili, Hwee and Yuk.
Talk talk chat chat eat eat.


After so long, I realized I can't drink soya bean milk anymore. On Tuesday (public holiday), I told my dad I want soya bean milk so he got for me. After drinking half of it, my legs went numb like I've ran for miles that I couldn't move. Then my dad told me there's too much "something" in soya bean milk that can affect your muscles. And I was like, what the hell.


Recently, just recently.
I start to eat dumplings like crazy.
And now I'm eating some of them.
I even told my ma to get them for dinner.
Everyday I'm craving for it.
Because I don't have lesson on Wednesdays, I'm at home, slacking like ...
Tomorrow's a long day and I really don't feel like going anymore.
Wonder what we're going to do next.


Sometimes, I don't know what to do.
Sometimes, I don't know what to say. 
Sometimes, I don't know what to think. 
I always believe it's going to the end. 
There's nothing to rush now because happiness only happens in the end, even in fairy tales.

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