Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Exciting running man


Good morning.
I figured that I should update before I remember nothing.

It's the last week of holiday but my lecturers kept telling me to work.
Last week, and the work still continues.


I went to school happily because I finished my layout and I want to let them check my work. Alright, my layout was okay, just a bit changes and there. But another friend who went to consult another lecturer and came back with a depressed look. And I've intention of consulting her too so I went to consult and I'm like ...

It's the worst consultation I've ever had.
I'm used to them changing my layout without the need to ask them any questions. Automatically they'll start and draw and tell me to change according to it, yes I'm used to this.
But right now, you've to ask questions like you'v never done before.
My second consultation was the worst.
My friends told me I sat there for like more than an hour just listening and answering questions. Yes, an hour plus when normally it should only take 15 minutes, 30 at most. I was drilled like a nail into the concrete or whatever shit, questions just kept coming, my brain just couldn't stop slacking for a second.

I've the feeling that she doesn't like my idea or whatsoever.
She just kept asking, as if helping me to understand what I wanted to show in the drawings and eventually, she even helped me explained. That's good when she helped me to explain the concept and so on, but the process of it is .. "you don't want to go for the second time".

It's so amazing that different lecturers has different ideas and what they said were different. So you don't know how to listen to, worst still you've to ask all of their ideas. I'm now .. kind of like have to redo and write it properly and think more, sketch more. By right I want to complete everything by this week, and I'm consulting another lecturer tomorrow, seems like my things will change again.

Because there's no right and wrong in design.
And things always change.

Just as and when I thought I was going to cry during consultation, I believe she noticed it.
Thank god, everything just got better.


Yesterday was so exciting, except for the school part.
Because we're having BBQ in the evening, lots of em didn't attend school.
And then I was intending to do computer work instead of drawings.
School time was so hard to get by but I was still busy like ...
Went to West Coast Park and had Mac lunch.
Surprisingly, I didn't manage to finish the meal even I didn't upsize it.
Spent some time at the playground playing and it was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing.
The walk to the BBQ pit was far as hell.
In the end, we were the first to arrive, what the hell.
So we were bored, we tried to play "running man" by ourselves first.
It was hella exciting and exhausting.
Slowly, more people came and it was .. 10 vs 10?
The whole experience was... 

We were given nametags (coloured paper with masking tapes), we were to put at the back but it couldn't stick so we put at the arms. It's class vs class, so we have different coloured tags. Somehow, the organizer (PD), called 4 people out to talk whom later I suspect were the spies. I even shouted, "you're the spy is it!" after their talk is over. But they denied.

We cannot attack for the first 5 minutes and we were to find papers (mission) @ West Coast Park. So we walked around, until one of our groupmate got caught by the other class alone. Decided to set an ambush and attack the other class but in the end, most of us got ripped off in attempt to save our friends. So the first 15minutes, 2/3 were down including me. But PD revived us since it's too fast, then we had to act alone. Then I've some big big big plan. 

Wanted to catch my friends since they're just with me (they're my enemies), but there's 2 of them, so if I attacked, I would had die without tearing one of them. So, I gave up and followed them until one of my groupmate came, and it was 2 vs 2. But chance fled away while I got chased by somebody else. Apparently, guys can't catch girls, it's unfair. But I got chased by a guy and I couldn't out-run him, so I started to "talk" then my grandma (my class) came to rescue me. That was hella funny, because she grabbed him from the back and he couldn't move, however his hands covered his tag like ... and I couldn't remove it no matter how hard I tried. Another friend (enemy) came, in attempt to save the guy, so the friend wanted to tear mine, but I tore hers first. BUT THAT STUPID GUY RIPPED OFF MINE. UNFAIR. You've to play the game yourself then you'll understand the pain when people grab you, the tiring of running a mile at top speed, the headache of planning how to betray people, the feeling of losing your nametag, the feeling of tearing other's tags, the feeling of being betrayed.

Time spent a jail was ... 

And those spies were the ones, who I already know from the start. 
Just because they're my friends, I decided to trust them.
Went to Mac for refreshment since I was running and running.
BBQ was .... uh.
I didn't do anything but eat and just sit on the bench.
I don't need to cook or get food myself.
Because the food will just come on its own.
So, I don't have the BBQ smell on me.
Left @ 830 and waiting for bus was hell.
Took me some time to reach Plaza and got gongcha for bro and myself.
Home before 10.


Woke up and there's a pile of work waiting for me to complete.
So bye!

God bless you.

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