Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ugly side of f&b


Recently I got myself a job in the f&b sector. Of course I didn't actually think I will be in there and of course this is just a temporary job while I wait for university. Somehow I felt that looking for jobs ain't easy as what news tell you. You get agents to help yet keep calling your phone like you don't have a personal life.

If you ask why I'm in f&b, I would say it is on impulse. And it's too late to regret it.

After getting this work, I am indeed in a culture shock. Singapore as an advanced country, too advanced yet there's still so many of these...... Negative stuff going around, like basic dining etiquette. Restaurants ain't a hawker centre, you put your bones etc on another plate not on the table itself. Though many would say that only fine dining restaurants need more proper manners which is so wrong. Generally ask yourself how would you felt if you were to clear those waste on tables, and for information people are not paid and not always in a willing situation to be a cleaner + waitress job.

No matter how grand a restaurant is, it's pantry and kitchen will tell you the real deal.
Yes a high class restaurant may look good on its exterior, if you have the opportunity, go to their kitchen and see what is hell.

Things you may not know, hands are not always washed after clearing table, if you just happen to be unlucky too bad. Don't you feel disgusted to see a waitress who just cleared the table went to serve food for you? I myself is disgusted by it.

Now I know why Singapore's food portion is rather 'small' because, people won't ever finish them and would just leave half of it and left untouched. What's the point of bigger portion when people won't finish at least 95% of it. Don't ever blame the portion size. No wonder we have a lot of food waste here.

I think coming back from Taiwan has really made me into a .... Person who values on recycling, like I would not waste food (as much as I used to). And not getting so much food that I couldn't finish and dump them all.

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