Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Just a short post before I fly to Taiwan, I myself am excited to talk bout` this holiday after I'm back.


The feeling of graduating is certainly different from O's.
Maybe it's the last year, it's the end and people do really start to show their true colors and be amazed that those weren't who you once knew of. You'll never thought that people could actually do things just to get what they want. You'll be wondering why he/she changed or actually he/she has always been like this just that with a mask all along.

I'm kind of thankful that I actually 'made more friends' especially to those that I never really talk to them before and just all of the sudden you're talking crap, taking photos together which may just be your last.

I guess I'll post a more heart-felt feelings nearer to actual graduation.


Below are just some stuff I've to tell to this person, a sensitive one.

'To whom it may concern,

Be thankful that I actually took my time and dedicate a post just for you. Towards the end, it's kind of pity that we have to go this way. I do believe in salvaging this relationship but now I see no point and no hope. It is not our fault in the first place and I think it's not yours either but both parties a part in it that results to our current situation.

Believe it or not, I was not the one who belong to neither here nor there, you came in, you took my place and gave me this center spot that I do not know who I should be closer with. You divide us into two, and now framing yourself as a victim image trying to tarnish our reputation is not just an only a childish act from you. I do not mind being 'lost', at least I know there are people around but the very moment that you treat us like some bullshit, saying we abandon you with no concrete evidence, all the faith I have were lost.

You may not realize this until recently, for your attitude, the way you do things, the way you treat your close friend when she is in need of you, you broke that bond between us. It can all be patched back but it's just too late, you may not know your subsequent actions really cost everything, you think you do not need us as your friends, you try to look pathetic, is that what you're only capable of?

Not that we do not help you. More of like you who give up yourself. You felt sad cause you ain't chosen for the book, it's your responsibility to begin with, your efforts are not in and you expect to be published, this is not correct. You're mad at us for ridiculous reasons and the excuse you gave every time is the same, how many times do we have to accept this and be tolerant towards you?

I have did nothing that is worth to make you angry and looked what you've done to me? Trying to scold me for at least thrice for useless stuff. You're mad at jokes, you're mad at me for not talking to other people properly. Just because I did not look into their eyes when we're talking doesn't mean that you can use this reason to scold me and to be honest, it's really none of your business. Do not try to act like an older sister in front of me cause I'm the youngest and you can only 'say me'.

You braced yourself, gave us a long text, we replied you and now you ignored us. If you're not prepared to face the consequence then don't send it and try acting like a coward now, making people think that we believe you.

For others I do not know, but for myself I won't be contacting you after poly ends and I do not even want to talk to you now.

I realized, it's not the first time that you're trying to make people feel that you're the victim.
Honestly, we are not bullies.
You distant yourself from us.
You ignored us, unwillingly to talk to us.
So, why should we bother you then?

PS: I am not sorry for what happened between us. '



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