Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hi, I've the mood to update.

For the past seven days, I've been thinking a lot and rushing through my project.
It just doesn't seem like I'm having vacation.
I cannot recall anything I've done besides drawing and thinking.

(Shit, I want to update a lot, but brain stuck.)

Like I said, I was rushing through my project.
This is what happens when you start to rush.
1. You won't get quality work.
2. Everything is a mess.
3. You're not satisfied when you're done.
4. You keep editing things here and there.
5. You regret.

Because I rushed, I'm starting to regret and I feel like redoing some of the drawings. The more that I look at it, the more pathetic the drawing are. Yes, I want to re-draw but I'm lazy. Furthermore, it's the last week of holiday, why should re-draw when things are going to change? I might as well wait for the lecturers to make changes first before I change my things. Conclusion, I should enjoy the last week. 


Yes, I've been thinking a lot these days that my hair are turning white.
(Well, didn't spot lots of them.)
Now I fully understand things like, "there are things that can't be undone" and so on.
As I recall those things that couldn't be undone, I was like since I cannot change anything why should I think bout` it plus it's giving me headaches. Conclusion, I should just heck care them. 

Still, there's really lots of things that I cannot change.
Now, I wish I can.
You know, humans. 

I went town on Monday I think... NO, it's last Friday. 
I finally got my drawing things and OPI.
I couldn't be more happy that day.
But I had a bad fall resulting a bruise(?) on my knee and sprained my ankle.
How stupid can I be?
Well, I didn't finish touring the whole Orchard.
I just ... Walked to 313 then H&M then 313 then H&M then Scape then NgeeAnn City and home.
I swear, walking to the bus stop behind Ngee Ann City was horrible.

By the time I left the mall, it was like during lunch time. And since, the bus stop is opposite, I've to cross the driveway of the mall/taxi stand, then a road to the bus stop. The point was, there were lots of cars that kept passing through me that I couldn't just cross the driveway. Worse, those cars on the driveway won't stop moving, then I stood there like an idiot until I decided to walk out of the mall using a "long cut". Finally I left the driveway, there's this road I've to cross, again cars just won't stop. Plus, the traffic light was so far away from me that I was so lazy to cross the road via traffic light. Again, I stood there like an idiot, but the cars just won't stop so I've no choice but to use the traffic light.

When I reached the bus stop, I realized people were thinking that I'm weird, they might had saw me being an idiot waiting for the cars to stop. Oh whatever. Then there's this old auntie talked to me randomly asking me for money. She wanted money to board the bus you see, I'm not sure whether it's prank or what.. I just gave her my coins, all of them. Right, I'm stupid or what? No, I'm not because I think I gave her bout` $1 only, nothing to lose. She's like it's not enough, so I said I've no more coins, then she went to somebody else to ask for money again.

Again, people are looking at me, thinking why I'm a fool or something.
What a trip.


Because I don't have much things left to do during the holidays, everyday I'm online searching for show to watch. And slowly slowly, I began to watch infinite shows and then I realized I'm starting to like them. I remembered myself saying "who the hell is infinite, never heard before, must be those noob ones" in the past. But now, I'm starting to like them, worse of all, the one that I liked doesn't have lots of screen time. And worse for him, he don't have much lines in their songs. Oh well.

So I began to watch their old songs to figure what which is which.
Then I realized, the one that I like was so under-rated.
People are saying he's nothing in the group or something.
Oh, that made me so sad, really.
Because he doesn't have much to sing, it's hard to see him on videos.


I've been watching this, korea historical drama for the last few months.
And it ended a few months ago also so there's no more for me to watch.
Plus, I really like the king in the show...
I watched today's running man and he appeared on the show.
Last week I was like "who the hell are they?" when I saw the guest list.
I'm still "who the hell are they?" when they introduced the guest.
But then I shouted "damdeok" (the name of the king that I liked) when the showed a "cut off clip" of the drama.
That's when I realized the king appeared on runningman.
I think I shouted the name quite a few times because I'm so excited to see the king again. 

Towards the ending of the show.. I suddenly have this "feeling". 
The more that they film the show, it's more likely that they will go crazy soon. Because there's so many betrayals here and there, what if it's in real life situation. People won't trust anyone, that's when the world's going to end right.


I suddenly have this dream, not the ones that I've while sleeping.
I wanted to have a dormitory life.
I mean...
I also want to live with a few people together, under the same roof, looking out for each other. It's like, going anywhere with the same people. When we wake up, we'll fight over toilets, have to clean and cook ourselves. Then, going to schedules with the people, meeting top stars here and there. Going overseas like Europe for a dozen times, earning an income more than the people of the same age.

Basically, I want a ... what do you call that?
A life like a k-pop group?
Alright, I must be crazy.

The reason why I'm saying things like this is because...
People who are younger than me are singing, dancing which are things that they like to do and they've been recognized by lots of people. They are younger than me yet they own more than me, earning money like crazy while I'm still stuck in Singapore with its stupid education system. It's not like I'll earn more than them in future. Conclusion, demoralized, I also want to do what I like to do and earn lots of money.

Sometimes, I wish I'm born in Seoul, perhaps the road to being a star will be easier.
Then again, when I see that Koreans ain't really that good in English...
I thank god for being a Singaporean.
In the end, I'm contradicting myself.

I must be crazy for saying such things.

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