Monday, April 23, 2012

KTP Hospital.


Yesterday's post was a "small little rant update".
For today, I'm still thinking what to share.

I was thinking real hard on what to wear because I thought we'll be stuck in the studio (under the cold) for hours. So, I wore my cardigan out and I sweat like mad. I got no idea why today's platform was so crowded with people. Imagine if the barriers weren't installed, are people going to push until people fall into the tracks? If this really happen, will there even be things called murderers?

I think I missed bout` 3-5 trains at JE waiting in front of the barrier. The first thing I did when I was in studio was to do citation for my group's report. Yes, citation, it's hell and troublesome. Somehow we decided to pay KTP hospital (Khoo Teck Puat) a visit to do our site inspection.

Being there, was like sun-tanning at Sentosa. There's no shelter at our so called garden that we are suppose to do something with it. It's complicated and then, there's so many bees flying around and other members of my  group actually screamed at it. In another words, I didn't scream any.

Lunch at the hospital was hell. Because all the rice were either half brown rice or full. The colour of it just made me don't feel like eating. In the end, I had some problem eating a Tom Yam noodle that I actually had to rely on my friend to feed me. Yes, my friend fed me noodles, it's stupid I know but there's no choice I really can't eat with the chopsticks or fork.

Spent some time doing some table there and the water thingy was so noisy. Went back to school and continued another module before going home. It's a crazy day.

I don't get why you've to be so competitive. It's not like you're doing what others didn't will give you high marks, maybe you're just wasting time doing the not necessary thing. What you're doing just give people the impression that you are someone that can't afford to lose. Well, maybe you won't ever know the meaning of it. 

Are we doing the right thing?
No, it's, "am I doing the right thing?".
The moment when there's doubt, it's all over.
Maybe someday, I'll get to understand that.

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